No Place For Pride.

Matthew 17:24-18:35; Mark 9:33-50

He sat down, called the twelve disciples over to him, and said, "Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else." – Mark 9:22-35 NLT

This is a fascinating section of Scripture. It is filled with powerful words from the lips of Jesus which are directed at His disciples. As they were journeying back to Capernaum, the disciples had gotten into an argument among themselves about who was the greatest. What makes this so mind-blowing is that Jesus had just told them that He was going to be betrayed into the hands of His enemies, be killed and raised from the dead. And yet, all they could think to discuss along the way was which one of them was the greatest. I would have loved to have heard that discussion. I'm sure Peter, James and John argued that they were because they alone got to witness the transfiguration of Jesus. Peter probably make a point of referencing the episode where he walked on the water (at least for a while). Each of them probably had ample reasons to vote themselves into the prime spot and just as many reasons for discounting the greatness of one another. Embarrassed at Jesus' questioning about what they had been arguing about, they refused to answer. But Jesus knew. So He sat them down and gave them a lengthy lesson on the reality of life in His Kingdom. First, He rocked their world by telling them,  "Whoever wants to be first must take last place and be the servant of everyone else" (Mark 9:35 NLT). So all their talk about greatness was misplaced and a waste of time. In His Kingdom, humility was the key to greatness, not pride. Servanthood was of greater value in God's economy than leadership. True greatness began with an attitude marked by humility, dependence and need. To further illustrate His point, Jesus invited a little child to sit down among them. In that day, children were of little value. Other than male children who could carry on the family name, children were a burden. They had no rights. They were obligated to obey and honor their parents. They were worked hard and often taken for granted. But Jesus took this little child, placed him in their midst and said, "I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven" (Matthew 18:3-4 NLT). This child was weak, defenseless, unimportant, completely dependent, and had not Jesus called him over, would have gone totally unnoticed by the disciples. Jesus' point? That's the attitude required of every citizen of His Kingdom. When Jesus called this little child over, he came. He obeyed. He did as he was told, no questions asked. The disciples were constantly questioning Jesus and doubting His methods. They were self-consumed and prideful. They truly believed that because they were followers of Jesus, they would play a prominent role in His coming Kingdom.

Even after hearing Jesus' words, John seems to still be promoting his own greatness when He informs Jesus that they had stopped some arrogant outsider from casting out demons in Jesus' name. I'm sure John was expecting a commendation, but instead he got a rebuke. Jesus responded, "Don't stop him!" (Mark 9:39 NLT). Jesus seemed to be saying, "This is about the Kingdom, not getting credit for what you've accomplished." John saw this man as competition. But Jesus said, "Anyone who is not against us is for us" (Mark 9:40 NLT). Rather than worry about getting recognition for what you've done, willingly serve any and all who are helping the cause of Christ. Interestingly enough, this outsider was doing what the other disciples were unable to do while Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration – cast out a demon. Whoever this individual was, he had enough faith in Jesus to use His name to cast out demons. But the disciples had commanded him to stop what he was doing. Jesus made it clear. In doing so, they were causing this man to sin. "But if you cause one of these little ones who trust in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck" (Mark 9:42 NLT). This man was waging war against the enemy in Jesus' name, but the disciples, due to their own pride, had told him to stop. Their own pride had done harm to the Kingdom of Christ and caused this man to sin. That was a dangerous thing to do. The key issue here is pride. Jesus wanted the disciples to examine their hearts and get to the root of the problem, then cut it off. "If one is characterized by pride rather than humility, and if one consistently acts in pride so as to offend those who believe in Christ, he is demonstrating that he does not belong to Christ and such a one would consequently ‘be thrown into hell’" (J. Dwight Pentecost, The Words & Works of Jesus Christ). Pride is a powerful force in the life of the believer – for bad, not good. We must watch for it and do everything in our power to remove it. We must be as little children – humble, dependent, recognizing our own weakness and turning to God for all our needs. Our lives should be marked by compliance and complete submission to the will of the Father. There is no place for competition in the Kingdom of Christ. We all serve the King.

Father, pride is a constant reality in my life. It raises its ugly head on a regular basis, and sometimes it becomes to familiar that I fail to see it for what it is. Open my eyes and examine my heart. Show me the pervasive presence of pride in my life and help me remove it. Replace it with an attitude of humility and service. Give me the heart of a child. Amen.

So What's the Good News?

Matthew 17:22-23; Mark 9:30-32; Luke 9:43-45

“The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hand of his enemies. He will be killed, but on the third day he will be raised from the dead." – Matthew 17:22-23 NLT

For the second time, Jesus reveals some very disheartening and confusing news to His disciples. He gets them alone and tells them that He is going to be betrayed and killed, but then He will be raised from the dead on the third day. Mark tells us that the disciples didn't understand what Jesus was saying, but they were afraid to ask Him to explain Himself. Probably because they didn't really want to know. Jesus had talked about this before, and they didn't like it any better now than they had then. Luke tells us that the significance of Jesus' statement was hidden from them. It would not make any sense until after Jesus had actually died and been raised from the dead. The significance of it all would never really hit them until they received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. But that comes later in the story.

At this point, they were simply confused and saddened. They didn't like what they were hearing. They didn't want to think about it. It didn't fit into their understanding of how things were supposed to work out. They were still thinking that Jesus was going to set up His kingdom on earth and that they would be ruling alongside Him as His faithful assistants. All this talk of betrayal and death was not what they wanted to hear. They didn't even hear the part about Jesus being raised from the dead. Their attention turned off at the word "killed." The reality was that God's plan for Jesus didn't mesh with their plan for Jesus. Their view of the Kingdom didn't coincide with God's view of the Kingdom. They were thinking temporal and earthly. Jesus was thinking eternal and spiritual. He came to set them free from the rule and tyranny of sin. They simply wanted Him to set them free from the rule and tyranny of Rome. God's plan was so much bigger, grander, and comprehensive. But they couldn't see it. They were blind to it. They were stuck in temporal mode. And the truth is, we can find ourselves in the exact same spot. Even though we live on the other side of the resurrection. We know it happened and we know why it had to happen. And yet we can still find ourselves struggling with God's plan. It may be that we don't particularly like this process called sanctification. We struggle with having to grow in Christ-likeness. It takes dedication, effort, obedience, trust, faith, and a total dependence on the mercy and grace of God. It is a slow and sometimes difficult process. It tends to reveal our weaknesses and exposes our sins. Which none of us like to see. Submitting to the Spirit's authority in our lives is difficult for all of us. We have to daily die to our will and submit to His. We have to let go of our agendas and willingly follow His. Sometimes it seems that God requires of us things more than is fair. His plan for us seems uncomfortable and unattractive. We don't like all the talk about taking up our crosses and dying to self. But that is part of the plan. It is God's will. We have to learn to trust Him that He knows what is best for us. The disciples were learning the same thing. The idea of the death of Jesus was distasteful to them. They didn't want to think about it. But it was essential if God's redemptive plan was going to be fulfilled. Without His death, there would be no payment for sin and therefore, no forgiveness for sin. Without His death there would be no need for a resurrection, and without His resurrection, we would have no hope. We would still be in our sins and separated from God for eternity. God's plan is not always easy to understand. It's sometimes even harder to submit to. But we have to trust that He knows what He is going. He is not done yet. But He is always faithful and He is always right. No matter how it may appear to us.

Father, thank You for Your perfect plan. Forgive me for the many times I doubt it, fight it, reject it, or attempt to replace it with my own. You have always proven Yourself faithful and Your plan perfect. Help me trust You more. Amen.

The Sin of Unbelief.

Matthew 17:14-21; Mark 9:14-29; Luke 9:37-42

“Jesus said, to them, ‘You faithless people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me.’" – Mark 9:19 NLT

After witnessing the miracle of Jesus' transfiguration up on the mountain, Peter, James and John returned with Jesus to find the remaining disciples caught up in a heated argument with some of the religious leaders. There was a huge crowd gathered around them. It seems that these religious leaders had come in an attempt to test Jesus' authority yet one more time. They had brought a young boy who was possessed of a demon and were going to see if Jesus would be able to cast it out. It was yet another test. This was evidently a particularly difficult case because the demon robbed the boy of the ability to speak and would cause him to have violent convulsions that would make him foam at the mouth. In these fits, the boy would throw himself into fires or even the water. This had been happening since he was a little boy. The boy's father cried out to Jesus, "Have mercy on us and help us, if you can" (Mark 9:22 NLT).

It seems that the disciples who had been left behind had tried to cast out the demon, but had failed. This must have been a shock to them, because earlier, Jesus had given the twelve power and authority to heal and cast out demons (Matthew 10). They had come back from that experience amazed and a bit prideful that they had been able to heal people and rebuke demons just like Jesus. But now they found themselves unsuccessful. Evidently, in Jesus' absence, the disciples had attempted to cast out the demon, but they had been unable to do so. Which is what must have started the heated argument. The father of the boy was disappointed. The crowd was frustrated, because they had come to see Jesus and were looking to see a miracle. And the religious leaders were excited because they thought they had found a chink in Jesus' armor. I'm sure part of the argument that was taking place was between the disillusioned disciples and the religious leaders as they argued over whether Jesus really was the Messiah. The disciples probably felt like they had let Jesus down, and the religious leaders were whipping up the doubts of the crowd.

Jesus stepped into this mess and immediately wanted to know what was going on. His response was less than flattering. "You faithless people! How long must I be with you? How long must I put up with you? Bring the boy to me" (Mark 9:19 NLT). This was addressed to the religious leaders and the crowd, who had come demanding and expecting a sign. They wanted further proof from Jesus that He was who He claimed to be. All that He had done up until this point had not been enough. They wanted more. They would not believe until they were convinced, to their own satisfaction, that Jesus was truly the Messiah. Jesus refers to them as "apistos" in the Greek. It means non-believing. This was all about belief or, in their case, unbelief. They refused to believe in Jesus. And at the core of all sin is unbelief. The problem was NOT that they needed more proof. It was that they refused to believe. The reality is, most of them would refuse to believe even after Jesus resurrected from the dead. It's interesting that when Jesus talked to the demon-possessed boy's father, He said, "Anything is possible if a person believes" (Mark 9:23 NLT). I don't think Jesus is saying that anything is possible if you believe in the outcome. Jesus is not espousing a name-it-claim-it theology. He is saying that anything is possible if you believe in Him. Jesus is to be the object of our belief. The father, desperate for a cure for his son, cries out, "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24 NLT). This man believed Jesus was who He claimed to be, but he was still wrestling with doubts. His son was still possessed. The disciples had failed to help him. The Pharisees and religious leaders were feeding his doubt with lies and false propaganda regarding Jesus. So he asks Jesus to take his struggling belief and strengthen it. As a result, Jesus healed his son. This man, even in his doubt, had come to Jesus and placed himself at His mercy. Jesus responded to this man's faith with compassion and power. He restored his son to health.

Then later on, when they were alone, Jesus turned His attention to the disciples.When they inquired as to why they had been unable to cast out the demon, Jesus told them, "You don't have enough faith. I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible’" (Matthew 17:20 NLT). Mark records another statement from Jesus. "This kind can be cast out only by prayer" (Mark 9:29 NLT). So it was a lack of faith and an absence of prayer. Jesus seems to be telling the disciples that their faith was less than that of the man who had brought his demon-possessed son. His plea to Jesus was a form of prayer. He cried, "Have mercy on us and help us, if you can" (Mark 9:22 NLT). He called out to Jesus in his time of need. The disciples didn't. When they were unable to cast out the demon, it left them confused and questioning what was wrong. They had been able to cast out demons before, but why were they not able to do so now. But what Jesus seems to be exposing is they panicked rather than call out to Him for help. They let doubt set in. Rather than turn to God the Father for help, they did nothing. Their cry should have been the same as that of the father, "I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief!" When they hit a roadblock, they gave in, when they should have looked up. They had placed their faith in the outcome instead of in Jesus. They had fully expected to cast out the demon, and when they couldn't they lost faith. They began to disbelieve. It's interesting that the very first person to call out to Jesus when He arrived on the scene was the father, not the disciples. They didn't run up to Jesus asking for His help. They didn't acknowledge their unbelief and ask for assistance. The father did. And as a result, his prayer was answered. His son was healed. He called out to Jesus with his meager belief and his mountain was moved.

Jesus, I can be so guilty of unbelief. I say I believe and trust in You, but then when I face a difficult circumstance, I start to have second thoughts. I begin to waver and doubt. And rather than call out to You, I do nothing. And then, as a result, I fail to enjoy Your powerful presence in my life. You told us we didn't need a great deal of faith, we just needed a little. But that little faith needed to be direct at You, not at the outcome. We need to believe You are who You say You are. We need to come to You in our time of need. We need to bring out little bit of faith and trust You to do what only You can do. Amen.

The Law. The Prophets. The Messiah.

Matthew 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13; Luke 9:28-36

“Suddenly, when they looked around, Moses and Elijah were gone, and they saw only Jesus with them." – Mark 9:8 NLT

What an amazing event this must have been to witness. Only Peter, James and John were privileged to see this incredible scene as Jesus was transfigured or transformed into what was apparently His heavenly form. We are told in the Gospels that His face glowed and His clothes became "dazzling white, far whiter than any earthly bleach could ever make them" (Mark 9:3 NLT). Matthew describes His face as being as white as the sun. This was a supernatural transformation, and it was capped off by the appearance of Moses and Elijah, two great icons of Jewish history.

This was obviously what Jesus had been referring to when He had earlier told the disciples, "And I tell you the truth, some standing here right now will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom" (Matthew 16:28 NLT). Peter, James and John were the ones who were fortunate to see Jesus in all His heavenly glory. What they saw was Jesus, the Messiah, in His future kingly form. It is very similar to what John would see in his vision many years later while exiled on the isle of Patmos. In his vision, John was given a glimpse of the future and he was privileged yet again to see Jesus in all His glory, coming to set up His Kingdom on earth. "Then I saw heaven opened, and a white horse was standing there. Its rider was named Faithful and True, for he judges fairly and wages a righteous war. His eyes were like flames of fire, and on his head were many crowns. A name was written on him that no one understood except himself. He wore a robe dripped in blood, and his title was the Word of God. The armies of heaven, dressed in the finest of pure white linen, followed him on white horses. From his mouth came a sharp sword to strike down the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod. He will release the fierce wrath of God, the almighty, like juice flowing from a winepress. On his robe at his thigh was written this title: ‘King of all kings and Lord of all lord’" (Revelations 19:11-16 NLT).

What Peter, James and John were witnessing was highly significant. They were watching as Moses, representing the Law of God, and Elijah, representing all the prophets of the Old Testament, were meeting with Jesus, the Messiah. If they still harbored any doubts about Jesus' identity, this should have erased them. They were able to listen as Moses and Elijah discussed with Jesus His upcoming ascension back into heaven. And then, to top it all off, they heard the very voice of God telling them, "This is my Son, my Chosen One. Listen to him" (Luke 9:35 NLT). And then suddenly, Moses and Elijah were gone, and only Jesus was left standing before them. I think every part of this event was orchestrated by God and had a message just for the disciples. The appearance of Moses and Elijah was significant because they represented the Law and the Prophets. Moses also represented the old covenant, and as a prophet himself, Moses had predicted the coming of the great prophet (Deuteronomy 18:15-19). Elijah and the other Old Testament prophets had foretold about the coming of the Messiah and the future blessing of God on the people of Israel. Jesus was the fulfillment of all that had been written in the Law and the prophets (the Old Testament). Later on, after His resurrection, Jesus would tell the disciples, "When I was with you before, I told you that everything written about me in the law of Moses and the prophets and in the Psalms must be fulfilled" (Luke 24:44 NLT). Jesus was the focal point of it all. He was the culmination and the climax of all that had been written about in the Old Testament. It had all been leading up to Him. And it is significant that when Moses and Elijah suddenly disappeared, Jesus alone was left. He was God's "Chosen One," the Messiah. He was the answer to man's sin problem and He had full power and authority from God to act as His representative. So God told the disciples to listen to Him. He knew what He was doing. He was not only the Messiah, but He was the future King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He was the very same individual who was going to return the earth in power and glory and set up His Kingdom and destroy the armies of hell. This was the Son of God, not just some roaming rabbi. He was the King of Heaven. He was the Chosen One of God and He was fulfilling the will of God. So listen!

Father, sometimes we lose sight of just how significant Jesus really is. Sure, we recognize Him as our Savior. But we fail to realize just how powerful, majestic and important Jesus Christ really is. He is the one who is going to return to the earth some day and return Your creation back to its original perfect state. He is going to defeat the armies of hell and Satan himself. He is going to judge the unrighteous. He is going to rule and reign from a literal throne in Jerusalem. His death, burial and resurrection were not the end of His job. He has more to do. His work in not yet complete. Help us to recognize and respect just how holy, righteous, powerful and important Jesus Christ really is and, as a result, to listen to Him intently. Amen.

When He Returns In His Glory.

Matthew 16:27-28; Mark 9:1; Luke 9:26-27

“For the Son of Man will come with his angels in the glory of his Father and will judge all people according to their deeds." – Matthew 16:27 NLT

The Second Coming of the Lord. It is a real-life event that is on God's divine schedule. It will take place and its outcome is certain. At this moment in His discussion with the disciples, Jesus alludes to His coming return. But keep in mind that the disciples had not yet bought into the idea that He as going to have to die, resurrect and leave them. We just saw the reaction of Peter when Jesus explained to them the things that were going to have to happen to Him in Jerusalem. He had told them, "it was necessary for him to go to Jerusalem, and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders, the leading priests, and the teachers of religious law. He would be killed, but on the third day he would be raised from the dead" (Matthew 16:21 NLT). And Peter's response to this news was to rebuke Jesus and demand that God prevent it from happening. "Heaven forbid, Lord! This will never happen to you!" (Matthew 16:22 NLT).

Jesus explains to Peter and the disciples that all of these things must happen. They are part of God's plan. And as Christ's followers, they are going to have to bear their own crosses. They are going to have to give up their lives as they have known them and be willing to suffer along with Christ in the spread of His Kingdom on earth. Jesus is trying to prepare these men for the days that are ahead of them. He knows that all of this news is difficult for them to hear, but they must be strong. He must die. He must be buried, resurrected on the third day, and then return to His Father in Heaven. But then He lets them know that some day He will return. He wants to live with that thought in mind. He wants them to be faithful and strong, following His example of obedience and sacrifice. He warns them, "If anyone is ashamed of me and my message, the Son of Man will be ashamed of that person when he returns in his glory and in the glory of the Father and the holy angels" (Luke 9:26 NLT). The interesting, and somewhat confusing, thing about this word from Jesus is that none of these men will be around when Jesus returns the second time. That event has yet to take place. Yet Jesus is telling them they should live in faithfulness and readiness. This is a common message from Jesus regarding His Second Coming. In Matthew 24, in what is called His Olivette Discourse, Jesus told the disciples in more detail the events surrounding the end of the age. He tells them about the Great Tribulation and warns them how hard it is going to be. Then He tells them that it will end with His return to the earth. And he says, "So you, too, must keep watch! For you don't know what day you Lord is coming. Understand this: If a homeowner knew exactly when a burglar was coming, he would keep watch and not permit his house to be broken into. You must also be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected" (Matthew 24:42-44 NLT). None of the disciples would live to see this day, but yet He tells them to be ready all the time. They were to live in a state of readiness and preparedness, as if He was coming back in their lifetime. And we should do the same. His coming is certain. He is going to return in power and glory. And when He does, He will not be coming back as a baby in a manger, but as a conquering King. He will establish His Kingdom on earth, and rule from Jerusalem in righteousness and glory.

But again, these are future events. They have yet to happen. The disciples would not live long enough to see them take place, and yet Jesus told them, "some standing here right now will not die before they see the Son of Man coming in his Kingdom" (Matthew 16:28 NLT). What in the world is He talking about? Ah, great question! And the answer comes tomorrow. So keep reading. But the real message from today's passages is that God has a plan. There is a bigger picture we must keep in mind when it comes to the redemptive work of God in the world. It is multifaceted and complex. There are a number of things that must happen along the way for His complete plan to be fulfilled. The death, burial and resurrection of Christ was one of them. The coming of the Holy Spirit and the start of the Church was another. The ultimate return of Christ for His bride, the Church, is yet another. This is known as the rapture of the Church and it must happen before the rest of the events of the end times can take place (1 Thessalonians 5:15-18). Then there will be the time known as the Great Tribulation, a seven year period on earth that will see the rise of the Antichrist, who sets up a one-world government, establishes himself as God, and turns the wrath of the world against the chosen people of God, the nation of Israel. This period will end with the Second Coming of Christ. God's plan is detailed, specific, and set in stone. It cannot be thwarted, changed, or altered in any way. The disciples needed to know that. We need to know that. We must live with the end in mind. This is not all there is.

Father, give us an end-times perspective. Help us live with our hearts set on Your Son's eventual return. That is the key to this whole mess being cleared up once and for all. Your ultimate plan is to redeem the world, both men and creation. You want to reestablish the order, peace, and perfection You originally created in the beginning. Your plan is to return things to the way they were in the beginning before man sinned. That is the goal. That is what we should long for. Even if we die and go to be with You in heaven, the plan is not complete. Sin will still reign and rule on earth. The creation will still be imperfect, Satan will still be destroying the souls of men and women, and the Kingdom of God will not be complete on the earth. That is the day we should desire more than anything else. Help us keep our minds alert, ready and focused on Your Son's eventual return. Amen.

Not As Advertised.

Matthew 16:21-26; Mark 8:31-37; Luke 9:22-25

“‘Heaven forbid, Lord,’ he said. ‘This will never happen to you!’" – Matthew 16:22 NLT

We all had expectations of Jesus when we accepted Him as our Savior. Some of us had been promised a certain list of attractive options if we would just place our faith in Him. It may have been a well-meaning or a fervent pastor who told us that salvation in Christ would bring us a happier marriage, an improved life, increased joy, and an assortment of other favorable benefits. But then when we came to Christ, we found that our life actually got a bit harder. Living the Christian life proved to be far more difficult and demanding than we expected. We still found our lives plagued by illness, heartache, financial setbacks, relational meltdowns and the ever-present reality of sin in our lives. As a result, some of us became disillusioned and disheartened. This was NOT what we had signed up for. It may have even felt like a bait and switch.

I think the disciples felt the same way. When they made the decision to follow Jesus, they were under the impression that He was the long-awaited Messiah, and as good Jews, they had certain expectations and understandings of what the Messiah would do when He showed up on the scene. They had been raised on images of the conquering hero, the great emancipator, the powerful political leader, and a king over Israel, much like David had been. By this time in His ministry, Jesus had already begun to mess with their preconceived ideas of what the Messiah was going to do when He showed up. Jesus appeared as a peasant. He had no royal retinue or powerful army to back Him up. He had no wealth. He wielded no political influence. Even the religious leaders of the day refused to accept Him as the Messiah. So when Jesus starts dropping hints that He is going to Jerusalem, where He will suffer at the hands of the elders of Israel and be tried and killed, they are blown away. This was NOT what they were expecting. In their grand scheme of things, the Messiah was supposed to be a conquering king, not a suffering saint. He was to reign and rule from a throne in Jerusalem, not die on a cross. Jesus' announcement was a total disconnect for these men. And Peter refused to accept it. "Peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things" (Mark 8:32 NLT). What's fascinating is that Peter actually told Jesus, the Son of God, "Heaven forbid, Lord. This will never happen to you!" (Matthew 16:22 NLT). Because Jesus' announcement didn't meet Peter's expectations, Peter rebuked Jesus and basically told Him that he would not allow any of it to happen. Peter didn't like what he was hearing, and so he swore that he would do all that he could to prevent it from happening. This would not be the last time that Peter made such a statement. Later on, Jesus told the disciples that they would desert Him in His time of need. Jesus said that when His actual arrest took place, they would run out on Him. But Peter responded, "Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you!" (Matthew 26:33 NLT). Jesus makes it clear that Peter will not only desert Him, he will deny Him. "‘No!’ Peter insisted. ‘Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!' And all the other disciples vowed the same." (Matthew 26:35 NLT).

And Peter would deny Him – three times. And they all would desert Him. Jesus knew what was going to happen. And He also knew that the events of which He had told them had to happen. They were part of God's divine plan for the redemption of mankind. And for Peter to swear that he would do everything in his power to prevent it solicited a harsh rebuke from Jesus. "Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's." (Matthew 26:23 NLT). Peter was letting his expectations of the Messiah to stand in the way of God's plan for the Messiah. He was stuck on his own agenda, not God's, and that made him an enemy of God. That's a sobering thought. When we disagree with Jesus' plans for our lives or attempt to demand that He meet our expectations, we are placing ourselves in direct opposition to Him and to God the Father. The disciples had no need for a suffering servant Messiah. What good was a crushed Christ or a dead savior to them? They had an agenda for Jesus and they weren't really interested in God's agenda for Jesus or themselves. That's a dangerous place to be.

So what about you? Have your expectations of Jesus been met? Has He been the Savior you were looking for or do you find yourself a bit disappointed in how this whole Christian "thing" has turned out?

Were you expecting happiness and not holiness?

Where you hoping for prosperity, but got financial difficulty instead?

Were you looking for a trouble-free life, but find yourself with trials and setbacks?

Have you been waiting for your place of honor, only to be mired in obscurity?

Has Jesus turned out to be who you were looking for?

Has He disappointed you, let you down, or failed to measure up?

Maybe you've been looking for the wrong thing. Maybe your expectations of Him were wrong. Why not recognize that God's agenda for Jesus is different than yours? Place your trust in His plan. Let you go of your will, and rest in His perfect will instead.

Father, You had a plan for Jesus that did not fit that of the disciples. But it had to happen according to Your terms. Jesus had to die. If not, we would not have eternal life. He had to suffer on our behalf. And while Jesus did not bring the kind of kingdom the disciples were looking for, what they received from Him was far greater than anything they could have expected. And the same is true for us today. Amen.

The Ultimate Question.

Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-21“But who do you say I am?" – Matthew 16:15 NLT

It had been a long day, and Luke tells us that Jesus left the crowds behind and was on His way to find a place to pray. The disciples were walking along with Him and so He took advantage of the moment and asked them a question. I don't think this was in order for Jesus to get information He was lacking, because I think He already knew the answer. He was simply engaging His disciples in a conversation that was directed at revealing what their true perception was of Him. They had been with Him for years now and had seen Him do some remarkable things. He had made it clear to them who He was. They had even heard demons call Him the Messiah, the Son of God. But Jesus knew there were still doubts in the minds of the disciples. While they hoped and prayed that he truly was the Messiah, so much of what He said and did was so unlike what they expected from the Messiah. He was not the conquering hero they had long anticipated. He was not regal, kingly, or a warrior like David had been. He was obviously as wise as Solomon, but He had no royal retinue and lacked Solomon's vast wealth.

So Jesus asks them a simple question: "Who do people say I am?"

The disciples immediately share all the various opinions that were floating out there. "Some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say you are one of the other ancient prophets risen from the dead" (Luke 9:18-19 NLT). In Matthew's account, they throw in the name of Jeremiah. Obviously, the people were having a hard time coming to grips with Jesus being the actual Messiah, so they had come up with a series of viable options to explain who He was and how He was able to do the things He did. Interestingly enough, all of their options involved someone having to be raised from the dead. John the Baptist had been killed by Herod. Elijah and Jeremiah, both Old Testament prophets had been long gone. So the people didn't seem to have a problem with Jesus being miraculously sent from God. They just had a difficult time believing He was the Messiah.

But Jesus cuts to the chase and asks the disciples the more revealing and important question: "But who do you say I am?" (Matthew 16:15 NLT). They had each been personally chosen by Jesus. They had walked with, learned from and lived alongside Him for over three years at this point. They had had intimate communication with Him and heard things from Him that the others were not allowed to hear. He had explained His parables to them. He had given them power and authority to cast out demons and heal the sick. They had seen Him raise the dead and walk on water. They had watched Him calm the storm and feed the multitudes. They had listened as He condemned the religious leaders and easily handled their attempts to discredit Him as a fraud and a lunatic.

Now Jesus was asking them the most important question of their lives. It isn't surprising that Peter was the first one to speak up. He was the always the first to open His mouth. Most of the time, that habit got him in hot water. But this time, He said the right thing. "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God" (Matthew 16:16 NLT). Jesus blesses Peter for His answer, but before Peter can get a big head, Jesus lets him know that he didn't come up with this on his own and he didn't learn it from anyone else. It was revealed to him by God. In other words, this awareness of Jesus' true identity was divinely inspired. God had made it known to Peter and the other disciples. If left to their own devices, they would have come to the same conclusions as the people had. They would have rationalized away any thoughts that Jesus was the Messiah. But God had made it possible for Peter and the others to perceive and accept Jesus' claim to be who He said He was – in spite of any misgivings they may have had.

Even our ability to believe in Jesus comes from God. He must soften our hard hearts and breathe life into our dead souls in order for us to recognize and respond to the priceless gift being offered to us – His Son. Like the crowds, if left to the whims of our own intelligence, we would come up with all kinds of explanations or rationalizations to account for the Jesus as He is revealed in the Bible. We would conclude that He was a good man, a great teacher, a moral icon, and a worthy example to follow, but we would never conclude that He was the Son of God. Only God can reveal that to us. Living with Jesus for over three years was not enough. The disciples still needed God to open their eyes. Going to church your whole life is not enough. You still need God to open your eyes. Jesus made this perfectly clear when He said, "For no one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them to me, and at the last day I will raise them up" (John 6:44 NLT).

God calls. We respond. Jesus saves. God opens our eyes so that we can see His Son standing right in front of us, and He opens our ears so we can understand the offer He makes to us – and along with Peter we say, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God." We have nothing to boast about. It is all the work of God.

Father, You made it all possible. You sent Your Son. He died in my place. Then you open my eyes and ears so that I can hear the message and respond. Otherwise, I would never hear. I would never choose Him. But through Your Spirit, You revealed Your Son to me. You did for me what I could not have done on my own. And Jesus paid a debt for me I could never have paid on my own. Thank You. Amen.

Deeper Truths.

Matthew 16:5-12; Mark 8:14-26

“You have eyes – can't you see? You have ears – can't you hear?" – Mark 8:18 NLT

The disciple were just ordinary men. Most of them were uneducated, even by the standards of their day. And each of them had willingly left behind whatever career they had chosen for themselves, in order to follow Jesus and learn from Him. It was a common practice for young men to follow a rabbi and become His disciples. But the disciples probably had no idea just what they were getting themselves into when they took up after Jesus. This was going to be one wild ride. Jesus was not like any other rabbi or teacher. He was the Son of God and the long-awaited Messiah. He had unprecedented power and unparalleled teachings. Learning from Jesus was like drinking from a fire hose. There was more truth than they could handle. Everything He said and did caused them to have to rethink everything they thought they knew about God, religion, life, ministry, the Messiah, and His coming Kingdom.

But what I love about them is their ordinariness. These guys were just like me. They didn't always come across as the brightest bulbs in the box. They could be stubborn, insensitive, uncaring, prideful, argumentative, overly competitive, and at times, just plain stupid. But then, so can I. Their hearts were in the right place, but they were having to deal with a lot of issues that sometimes blinded them to the truth of what Jesus was trying to teach them. They were just men, and they tended to get stuck on an earthly level, obsessing about things that didn't really matter. Today's passages share just such an occasion. They have crossed back over the lake, and when they arrive on the other side, Jesus makes a comment regarding the Pharisees, "Watch out! Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees" (Matthew 16:6 NLT). Now the disciples were already a little put out, because they realized that they didn't bring any bread with them. And what makes this particularly funny is that they had had seven baskets full of bread left over from when Jesus fed the 4,000. They just forgot to bring any of it with them. So, the disciples get into a heated argument over the fact that nobody had brought any bread. They somehow think that Jesus is talking about bread, and so they start passing blame and pointing fingers. Jesus stops them right in their tracks. "You have so little faith! Why are you arguing with each other about having no bread? Don't you understand even yet? Don't you remember the 5,000 I fed with five loaves, and the baskets of leftovers you picked up? Or the 4,000 I fed with seven loaves, and the large baskets of leftovers you picked up? Why can't you understand that I'm not talking about bread?" (Matthew 16:7-11 NLT). Ouch! That had to have hurt. But Jesus is trying to get them to understand something far more important and life threatening than a lack of bread. It is as if He is saying, "I can get you plenty of bread when you need it. That's not a problem." But the greatest threat to their lives was false teaching. The kind of false teaching that the Pharisees and Sadducees were spreading among the people under the guise of truth. Like yeast, this teaching was working its way through the nation of Israel, contaminating the minds of the people against Jesus and His teaching. Ultimately, they would turn the people against the disciples as well.

Their obsession with temporal, physical things was preventing them from understanding the more significant issues that threatened the cause of Christ. They were majoring on the minors. Jesus could provide them with plenty of bread. He had already shown His ability to do that. But He was much more concerned that they understood why He was so strongly opposed to the religious leadership of the day. They needed to see the danger of following their ways and listening to their teaching. Because they were wrong. Regardless of how spiritual and righteous they may appear, they were prideful, arrogant men who were teaching a different kingdom and rejecting the very Son of God. Better to go hungry than feed on the false food these men offered up on a daily basis.

Jesus wanted the disciples to listen and learn. He wanted them to see the world around them with new eyes. The message He would leave them to take to the world would be opposed by these same religious leaders. They would face ongoing resistance from the Pharisees and Sadducees. Jesus wanted them to understand just how dangerous these men were. They were not allies. They were not on the same team. Their message stood in direct opposition to that of Jesus. And they would continue to be a stumbling block for many when it came to the Good News of Jesus Christ. And that piece of information was far more important than who forgot to bring the bread.

Father, it is so easy to focus on the wrong thing in this life. We can easily take our eyes off the task at hand and obsess about things that have no eternal significance. Help us stay focused. Help us to see what is really important to You and Your Son. Because we are so effected by the physical, we can easily get distracted by physical things like food, clothes, money, shelter, etc. But there are far more dangerous and subtle threats to our lives and to Your Kingdom. Open our eyes so we can see what You see. Amen.

How Much More Proof Do You Need?

Matthew 16:1-4; Mark 8:10-13

“When he heard this, he sighed deeply in his spirit and said, ‘Why do these people keep demanding a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, I will not give this generation any such sign.’” – Mark 8:12 NLT

Rarely did the Pharisees and Sadducees ever agree on anything. They were both religious parties of the Jews, but they disagreed about a number of things and disliked one another very much. But they shared a common enemy: Jesus. And on this occasion they joined forces in order to trick and trap Jesus. Their life ambition was to eliminate Jesus as a threat to their way of doing things. His arrival on the scene had disrupted their way of life. He had stirred things up with His message about the kingdom and his constant use of miracles. The people were flocking to Him in droves and they didn't like sharing the spotlight with anyone. And Jesus hadn't done Himself any favors with the way in which He talked about these men. He was unrelenting in His criticism of them, exposing them as hypocrites, charlatans, and unworthy of trust or admiration.

But the one thing that meant more to these men than anything else was the concept of authority. In their religious world, you had to have authority to say or do anything. And authority was passed down from one influential rabbi to another. They put high stock in tradition and deemed it necessary for anyone who wanted to make a statement about anything, to have received authority to do so from someone other than themselves. As far as they were concerned, Jesus had no authority. He had sat under no one's leadership or tutelage. He had not apprenticed with any known rabbi or religious expert. Much of what He was saying and teaching was heresy to them because it was new information. He was teaching things they had never heard before. And He had no authority to do so. That's why you see them constantly confronting Jesus about where He got His authority to do what He did. And that's what was driving them on this day. Mark tells us that when they arrived, they "started to argue with him. Testing him, they demanded that he show them a miraculous sign from heaven to prove his authority" (Mark 8:11 NLT).

It is interesting to note that Jesus had already claimed to be the Messiah. He also claimed to have been sent by God, His own Father. He had healed the sick, cast out demons and raised the dead. But that was not enough proof for these men. They had already attributed Jesus' powers to Satan, not God. They considered Him a blasphemer for claiming to be the Son of God. The healings he performed were not enough for them. They wanted more. They wanted a sign from heaven. More than likely, they were looking for signs like Moses had given the Israelites in Egypt. They probably wanted to see Jesus bring down fire and brimstone on the Romans. They would have loved to have seen Him strike dead all the firstborn males in all the Roman households. They wanted a sign from heaven – from God Himself. Then that would prove Jesus' authority. But they really never expected Him to be able to pull off such a feat. Because they didn't believe He was who He said He was. Honestly, Jesus had already done more than enough to prove who He was and to demonstrate His authority. And He wasn't going to do anything more. He would not give them the kind of sign they were looking for because that is not why He came. He did not come to set them free from Roman rule. He came to set men free from slavery to sin. And for that to happen, Jesus had to die. And the amazing thing is that even after Jesus had died and was miraculously raised back to life by the power of God, these very same men would deny the veracity of the disciples' claim that Jesus was alive. They would go out of their way to disprove it and discredit the disciples.

Jesus refused to give them the kind of sign they were looking for. And the one sign that should have proven to them once and for all that He was the Son of God – His resurrection – they would eventually choose to ignore and deny. To their own detriment. Refusing to recognize Jesus' authority is a dangerous thing. Denying His God-given right to rule and reign in the lives of men is an unhealthy game to play. But like the Pharisees and Sadducees of Jesus' day, there are thousands upon thousands of people doing just that today. They refuse to acknowledge Jesus' authority over their lives. They can't bring themselves to believe that Jesus has authority over sin and death. They struggle believing that Jesus alone has the authority to set them free slavery to sin. "So he got back into the boat and left them, and he crossed to the other side of the lake" (Mark 8:13 NLT).

Father, it is so hard to understand why so many still reject Jesus' authority over their lives today. But I know it happens. Their hardened hearts blind them to the reality of who He is. They stubbornly refuse to acknowledge His God-given authority and His power over sin and death. And as a result, they remain in their sins, unforgiven and unrepentant. Open their eyes Father. Help them to see. Give those of us who know Your Son the courage to speak openly and honestly about what we know and what we have seen. But only You can open the eyes of men and soften their hearts to see the truth. Amen.

You've Got To Be Kidding Me?

Matthew 15:32-39; Mark 8:1-9

“About this time another large crowd had gathered, and the people ran out of food again.’” – Mark 8:1 NLT

Wait a minute! Haven't we already read this story before? Didn't Jesus just do this? Hadn't He fed 5,000 men, plus their wives and children with just 5 loaves and 3 fishes? And weren't the disciples there? Yes, they were and, not only that, they were given the job of picking up all the leftovers and there were exactly 12 baskets of food remaining after everyone had stuffed themselves. So now we find the disciples and Jesus in a similar situation. You would think the disciples would have remembered what had happened before and simply turned to Jesus with whatever meager provisions they had and said, "Do that thing You do!" But no, they seem to be suffering from short-term memory loss. Jesus remarks to His disciples, "I feel sorry for these people. They have been here with me for three days, and they have nothing left to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry, or they will faint along the way" (Matthew 15:32 NLT). Notice that, unlike the first occasion, this time Jesus doesn't ask the disciples to do anything. He doesn't ask them to take care of the problem. He simply mentions His concern for the people. Again, you would think this was a perfect set-up for the disciples to turn around and say, "But Jesus, You fed the 5,000. Why not do the same for these people?" No, the disciples respond, "Where would we get enough food here in the wilderness for such a huge crowd?" (Matthew 15:33 NLT).

They hadn't learned a thing. They were still stuck in a temporal zone, marked by physical limitations and hampered by human reasoning. They looked at the situation in front of them and saw impossibilities. Jesus saw the crowd and their need. The disciples couldn't see past the perceived problem. Even after all the miraculous things they had witnessed Jesus do, including feed a crowd bigger than the one that surrounded them at the moment, they still couldn't bring themselves to think out of the box. Their human nature overpowered their faith, causing them to doubt rather than believe, to question rather than anticipate great things from a great and powerful God. But Jesus patiently led them through yet another lesson in faith. He fed the crowd yet again. And as before, there was plenty of food leftover – another reminder of God's ability to meet needs above and beyond our wildest expectations – even when we don't have any expectations.

When it was all said and done, Jesus sent the crowds home, fat and happy. Then He and the disciples got into a boat and sailed to their next destination. The disciples were learning, slowly but surely. All of these events were being burned in their memories and when Jesus returned to heaven after His resurrection, the Holy Spirit would help them make sense of all the seemingly nonsensical things they had seen happen over their more than three year adventure with Jesus. One day they would be able to look back and see what they hadn't seen before. And their faith would grow stronger as a result. In the meantime, Jesus would patiently teach and instruct them, lovingly repeating some of the lessons over and over again. He knew their day would come. He was preparing them for the future, when He would be gone and the Holy Spirit would take His place. Then these stubborn, seemingly slow to learn disciples would turn the world upside down with their faith and unbridled boldness.

Jesus, You are still patient today. With us. We can be just as guilty of missing the miracles You perform in and around our lives. We can end up concentrating on our circumstances and seeing only the problem and never expecting You to provide a solution. Thank You for lovingly, patiently putting up with us. But may our faith grow with each passing day and may we begin to expect great things from You, even when everything looks impossible. Amen.

He Healed Them All!

Matthew 15:29-31; Mark 7:31-37

“A vast crowd brought to him people who were lame, blind, crippled, those who couldn't speak, and many others. They laid them before Jesus, and he healed them all.’” – Matthew 15:30 NLT

There are so many recorded incidents of Jesus healing people in the Bible that they can easily become almost non-events to us. We just expect Jesus to heal people. At least we expect Jesus to heal people in the Bible. We're not quite so confident when it comes to real life. But when it comes to reading the Scriptures we have gotten so used to the stories about blind people receiving their sight, lame people suddenly being able to walk, and mute people gaining back the ability to speak, that they no longer shock or surprise us. But in Jesus' day, these miracles were anything but expected, and the people had not become complacent about them. When Jesus showed up, the sick and needy showed up as well. And Jesus rarely, if ever, disappointed. Matthew records an occasion where Jesus, having returned to the shore of Galilee from the region of Tyre and Sidon, sits down on a nearby hillside and suddenly finds Himself surrounded by a crowd. They had brought with them all kinds of people with all kinds of needs, and they laid them all at the feet of Jesus. Imagine the scene. People unable to walk, crippled by disease, birth defects or injury, are hobbling or laying at the feet of Jesus. Some are on mats, some are on crutches, but all are in need. They can't work or make a living. Some are probably in great pain. Next to them are the blind. These people live in a constant world of darkness, unable to see the faces of their own family members or enjoy the beauty of the world around them. There are probably young and old alike. Some have been born blind, while others have lost their sight due to injury, disease, illness or just old age. But each of them suffers the same fate: A life marked by certain poverty, constant darkness and little hope. Mixed in with these two groups were the mute. For whatever reason, these people found themselves unable to speak, trapped in a world where their thoughts, ideas and emotions had to be communicated through hand motions or scribbled notes. They were incapable of expressing words of love, affirmation, encouragement, joy, or praise. They couldn't sing, shout, whisper, laugh or tell another living soul what they were thinking, feeling, or needing.

What a sad scenario. It reminds me of a scene from the recent movie, Lincoln, where President Lincoln tours a makeshift hospital filled with Union soldiers who have been injured in battle during the Civil War. Many have had their limbs amputated. Others have been permanently blinded by the fragments of exploding bombs. None will ever be the same again. Many will not live to see old age. And all the president can do is walk among them, issuing words of thanks and encouragement. How helpless. How hopeless. How frustrating.

But Jesus did not face those same limitations. He could do so much more, and He did. He healed them all. Matthew does not tell us how Jesus did it. He could have made His way among them, touching each one and speaking to them individually. Or He could have simply healed the entire group in one single, magnificent moment. I tend to believe that is what He did. And Matthew tells us that the crowd was amazed. They were blown away! And we would have been too. Suddenly there were people who had never walked before, running and jumping, shouting and screaming for joy. There were blind people covering their eyes from the blinding light of the sun, then slowly taking in the sights around them. They were grabbing the faces of spouses, children, family members and friends, perhaps seeing them for the first time in their lives. Their were tears being shed, sounds of laughter and shouts of joy. But the loudest group was probably those who had once been unable to speak. Suddenly, they are able to shout, scream, sing, and praise God. And I'm sure they did. Most of them probably shouted themselves hoarse!.

What a scene! I think it's safe to say that none of us have ever experienced anything like it. But the truth is, every time we get together with a group of other believers, that is just the kind of experience we should have. Each of us who have received salvation through Jesus Christ have been healed of the greatest disease plaguing mankind – sin. We have been taken from death to life. We have been set free from slavery to sin. It reminds me of the lyrics from that great old hymn, Amazing Grace. "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found, was blind but now I see." Our salvation is no less amazing than what happened on that hillside that day. In fact, it is more amazing. Those peoples' conditions, while improved physically, remained the same spiritually. While they praised the name of the God of Israel for what had happened, there is no indication that they believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They received physical healing, but not spiritual healing. They were still condemned because of their sin and lost without a Savior. But for those of us who are recipients of the amazing grace of God through placing our faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior, we have much to shout about. Our lives should be marked by joy, singing, excitement, excitement, anticipation and grateful appreciation.

Jesus, You have healed my life and made me whole. You have taken away my sin and replaced it with Your righteousness. I was once dead, but You have made me alive and well. I was once helpless and hopeless, but You have given me eternal life and a life free from condemnation and the fear of death. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!. Amen.

Needy. Persistent. Humble.

Matthew 15:21-28; Mark 7:24-30

“But she came and worshiped him, pleading again, ‘Lord, help me!’” – Matthew 15:25 NLT

Jesus makes a rare journey with His disciples into the predominantly Gentile region called Tyre and Sidon. Once there, He is approached by a Gentile woman who has a desperate and pressing need. Her daughter is possessed and tormented daily by a demon. This woman, a non-Jew, comes to Jesus, the Messiah of the Jews and begs, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David!" (Matthew 15:22 NLT). She knows who He is. She is fully aware that He is the Jewish Messiah and she is a Gentile. But her need is great and she has heard about His power and authority over the demonic world. So she takes advantage of His appearance in her "neck of the woods" and pleads with Him to heal her daughter.

The following exchange is a fascinating one. Especially to our western minds. Matthew records that Jesus made no response whatsoever. That would have been normal for most Jews. They would have had little or nothing to do with any Gentile, especially a woman. Evidently, His silence did not deter her. She continued to beg. It was the disciples who finally spoke up and urged Jesus to send her away. You hear no mercy. You sense no compassion. Why? Because they had none. She was a Gentile. These men had experienced what it was like to cast out demons and see people set free from spiritual torment. But that had been among their own people. This woman was a "dog" in their eyes. Jesus knows what they are thinking, so He tells the woman, "I was sent only to help God's lost sheep – the people of Israel" (Matthew 15:24 NLT). And Jesus is simply telling the truth. He was sent initially to the people of Israel, His own people – the chosen people of God. But they were going to reject Him and His message of hope, redemption and restoration would be made available to all people – in keeping of God's promise to Abraham that through him He would bless all the nations of the world. Jesus was a descendant of Abraham and it would be through Jesus that all those who accept His invitation would be blessed – regardless of their nation of origin. This was still hidden from the disciples at this point. He is their Messiah. He is going to be their Jewish king. Any relationship He is to have with Gentiles will be like that that David, His predecessor had – as a conquering king.

Jesus, knowing what the disciples are thinking about this woman, tells her, "It isn't right to take food from the children and throw it to the dogs" (Matthew 15:26 NLT). I can see the disciples nodding their heads in agreement. They're thinking, "You tell her Jesus!" Even the woman agrees with His statement. She knows her place and the prevailing Jewish sentiment about her kind. "That's true, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat scraps that fall beneath their masters' table" (Matthew 15:27 NLT). This woman's response is humble and incredibly wise. She knows she has no right to come begging Jesus for help. She isn't even a Jew. But her desperate need drove her. She could not demand Jesus to do anything. But she could humbly and persistently ask. She acknowledged her place as a humble slave, no better than a common dog beneath the table of its master. She knew Jesus could help her. She believed He had the power to set her daughter free. Like the woman with the issue of blood, she took a risk and reached out to the only one who could help her. And He did. Jesus responds, "Dear woman, your faith is great. Your request is granted" (Matthew 15:28 NLT), and her daughter was instantly healed.

It's interesting that some of the greatest examples of faith were displayed by those outside the nation of Israel. It seems that they needier the person, the greater their faith. The more desperate their circumstance, the more determined they became to seek help from Jesus. Even among the Jews, prostitutes and others like them – those the community labeled sinners – made their way to Jesus. They were outcasts and rejects in their society, but they found help and hope in Jesus. Gentiles who had nowhere else to turn, knew that they could turn to Jesus and not be rejected. It was their need that motivated them. It was their need that humbled them. It was their need that drove them to go out of their way to seek help from Jesus. And it is still that way today. Needy, humble and persistent. That is how we need to remain in our relationship with Jesus. We must never lose sight of our tremendous need for Him. Our powerlessness and hopelessness apart from Him should constantly humble us and cause us to return to Him with renewed hope and gratitude for His help. We must be persistent and passionate in our pursuit of Him. This woman was.

Jesus, I want to remain needy, humble and persistent. I want to keep my eyes focused on You, but also never lose sight of my daily need of You. I don't want to feel so confident in my relationship with You, that I fail to see my need for You. I bring nothing to the table that makes me worthy of Your love or attention, other than my belief that You are who You are and that You alone can make a difference in my life. Amen.

Silly Rituals. Serious Business.

Matthew 15:1-20; Mark 7:1-23

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God.” – Mark 7:6-7 NLT

The Pharisees took themselves way too seriously. But in reality, they were silly. They had become so wrapped up in their "age-old traditions" that they lost sight of just how ridiculous it all appeared. They had all kinds of cleansing ceremonies they went through before they could eat. Mark tells his primarily Gentile audience just how silly it all was. "The Jews, especially the Pharisees, do not eat until they have poured water over their cupped hands, as required by their ancient traditions" (Mark 7:3 NLT). Notice he makes a point of saying that this was required by their ancient traditions, not God. He goes on to say that "Similarly, they don't eat anything from the market until they immerse their hands in water. This is but one of the many traditions they have clung to – such as their ceremonial washing of cups, pitchers and kettles" (Mark 7:4 NLT). They had convinced themselves that all this madness somehow made them clean and acceptable before God. They lives in fear that they could have somehow become defiled by coming into contact with something unclean of unholy. But they gave no thought to what was going on in their own hearts. Jesus makes this distinction quite clear. When they confront Jesus and demand to know why His disciples don't follow their traditions, Jesus pulls no punches. He quotes the prophet Isaiah who was quoting God Himself. "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship is a farce, for they teach man-made ideas as commands from God" (Mark 7:6-7 NLT). This was God speaking against the city of of Jerusalem and the people of Judah. Their religion had become routine. They were going through the motions. They thought that offering sacrifices was enough. But God was more concerned about their hearts than their offerings. And Jesus was more concerned about the hardened hearts of the Pharisees than He was their silly ceremonies for staying clean.

Their real problem was that they gave more credence to their own rules than God's commands. They came up with all kinds of convenient work-arounds and loop holes that allowed them to ignore God's commands and do what they wanted to do. And Jesus made it clear what they were doing. "And so you cancel the word of God in order to hand down your own tradition" (Mark 7:13 NLT). Their rules trumped God's laws. Their silly rituals held more sway in their lives than the righteous demands of a holy God. And not only that, their rituals were worthless. They didn't even accomplish what they hoped they would. Because the only impurity God is concerned about is that which is on the inside. God is obsessed with clean hearts, not clean hands. Jesus tells the crowd, "It is what comes from inside that defiles you" (Mark 7:20 NLT), not what comes from the outside. It is that which comes from a person's heart that defiles him, and no amount of ceremonial hand washing is going to fix that problem.

These men had focused on the wrong thing. They were wasting their time obsessing over the externals, when inside they were corrupt, selfish, self-centered, egotistical, and in direct opposition to the will of God. They refused to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah. They credited His power as having come from Satan. They called Him a drunk. They ridiculed Him and tried everything in their power to discredit Him and, ultimately, would go out of their way to see that He was put to death. Their example of ceremonial hand washing and ritualistic cleansing was sending a wrong message to the people, and Jesus cleared it up. He made it painfully obvious that these men were far from pure and anything but holy. And the list He gave was more than likely one that applied to these sanctimonious religious leaders. "For from within, out of a person's heart, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, wickedness, deceit, lustful desires, envy, slander, pride and foolishness. All these vile things come from within; they are what defile you" (Mark 7:21-23 NLT). Interestingly enough, there is no recorded response from the Pharisees. No rebuttal. No defense. No denial. The conversation simply ends. Which speaks volumes. Jesus knew their hearts better than they did. And while they were content to play their silly games and pretend that they were holy, Jesus was letting them know that God takes holiness seriously and saw the true condition of their hearts.

Father, You can see into our hearts and You know things about us that we don't even know ourselves. Forgive us thinking that the silly religious rituals we go through somehow make us right with You. Keep us focused on our own hearts and never let us forget that only You can cleanse the heart. We simply need to confess our sin and allow You to forgive and cleanse. You are in the heart transformation business. Don't let us settle for the anything less. Amen.

Eternal Life.

John 6:22-7:1

“I tell you the truth, anyone who believes has eternal life.” – John 6:47 NLT

This passage is all about bread. But it obviously deals with two types of bread. One literal and the other metaphorical or symbolic. The people are looking for Jesus, and John makes it clear that their interest is in having Jesus provide them with yet another free meal. They show up at the place where He had "blessed the bread and the people had eaten" (John 6:23 NLT), but Jesus is not there. So they jump back in their boats and head to Capernaum, where they finally find Jesus. But Jesus sees right through their motives. "I tell you the truth, you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you understood the miraculous signs. Don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you" (John 6:26-27 NLT).

Right away, Jesus reveals the stark contrast that is going to take place in this exchange between the people and Himself. Their interest in Jesus is purely physical and temporal. Yes, He is obviously a miracle worker of some kind and they actually want to learn how to do what He does. They say, "We want to perform God's words, too. What should we do?" (John 6:28 NLT). Their minds are on food and how nice it would be to be able to multiply their meager stores the way that Jesus did that afternoon on the hillside. By now, they must have heard that Jesus had given power and authority to the twelve disciples to cast out demons and perform miracles, so they seem to be asking Him to do the same for them. But again, Jesus knows their hearts and clearly sees that their motivation is selfish and they are missing the point. He tells them, "This is the only word God wants from you: Believe in the one he has sent" (John 6:29 NLT).

Immediately, the crowd demands that Jesus perform a sign to help them believe. And they even give Him a suggestion: "Our ancestors ate manna while they journeyed through the wilderness!" (John 6:31 NLT). They are so obvious, it's almost embarrassing. All they want is food. To them, Jesus is little more than a 1st-Century vending machine, conveniently dispensing free food. But Jesus takes the opportunity to clear up their misconceptions about Him and about what their real needs are. Their problem is not a lack of bread, but a lack of belief. They do not understand who He is and what He has come to offer them. So Jesus makes it painfully clear. At least a dozen times in this next little sermonette, Jesus mentions eternal life. He tells them that He has come to offer them eternal life, and that anyone who believes can have it. If all He gives them is bread, they will die, just like their ancestors did in the wilderness. But there is a different source of sustenance that He wants to give them – Himself. He refers to Himself as the Bread of Life. "I am the bread that came down from heaven" (John 6:41 NLT). "Yes, I am the bread of life!" (John 6: 48 NLT). "I am the living bread that came down from heaven" (John 6:51 NLT). "I am the true bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will not die as your ancestors did (even though they ate the manna) but will live forever" (John 6:58 NLT.

He is offering them eternal life! He is telling them the way in which they can live forever. These people believed in an after life. They spent their entire lives trying to please God by keeping the Law and obeying His commands so that they might inherit eternal life. Now Jesus was telling them that eternal life could be theirs, if only they would believe He was who He claimed to be. But they struggled with this concept. They said, "Isn't this Jesus, the son of Joseph? We know his father and mother. How can he say, 'I came down from heaven?'" (John 6:42 NLT). They couldn't bring themselves to believe in Him. They wanted Him to perform miracles for them. That they could believe in, because they had seen it with their own eyes. But when it came to believing in Him as the Son of God, that was another matter. As a result, many of them said, "This is very hard to understand. How can anyone accept it?" (John 6:60 NLT).

Jesus knows they are struggling. So He says, "Does this offend you? Then what will you think if you see the Son of God ascend to heaven again? The Spirit alone gives eternal life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And the very words I have spoken to you are spirit and life. But some of you do not believe me" (John 6:61-63 NLT). Jesus is asking them, "Does what I just said cause you to stumble?" He realizes that what He has just taught them is difficult for them to hear and even harder to understand. The imagery of eating His flesh and drinking His blood is graphic and disconcerting. But He tells them that things are going to get even harder to understand in the days ahead. There is still the cross to come. And before Jesus can ascend back into heaven, He will have to be lifted up on the cross as a payment for the sins of all mankind. That is going to be hard for every one of His disciples to comprehend, especially when it happens. But even in death, the Spirit will give life to Jesus, restoring Him completely and allowing Him to conquer the hold that sin and death had had on mankind since the fall. Jesus' death and resurrection would make possible eternal life. Paul reminds us, "The Spirit of Gd, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you" (Romans 8:11 NLT). New life. Full life. Eternal life. That is what Jesus came to bring. "For it is my Father's will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day" (John 6:40 NLT). Ultimately, this is all about eternal life. What we experience here is nothing compared with what is to come. This is no longer our home. We are strangers and aliens here. We are sojourners, simply passing through on our way to somewhere else. We have His presence and complete access to His power while here, but we must never lose sight of the fact that Jesus came to bring eternal life, not just a slightly improved version of our earthly lives. Jesus told the crowd that day exactly what we need to hear, "But don't be so concerned about perishable things like food. Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you" (John 6:27 NLT).

Father, it is so easy to get consumed with perishable things. They are all around us. It seems as if we can't live without them. And we end up working so hard to obtain them. But they cannot bring us the one thing we all need: Eternal life. Thank You for sending Your Son to make eternal life available to all who will believe. Never let us lose sight of the unbelievable nature of the gift we have been given. Amen.

A Touch.

Matthew 14:34-46; Mark 53-56

“Wherever he went – in villages, cities, or the countryside – they brought the sick out to the marketplaces. They begged him to let the sick touch at least the fringe of his robe, and all who touched him were healed.” – Mark 6:56 NLT

They had made it shore, safe and sound. Their evening and early morning adventure on the lake had been a memorable one. The disciples had been caught in yet another storm. This time without Jesus in the boat with them. He had stayed behind to pray. But He had appeared to them in the middle of the storm, walking on the water. The sight of Jesus walking on top of the waves and surrounded by the blowing mist and darkness, had scared them more than the storm. But now they were all safe again near the town of Gennesaret. And as soon as they were able to climb out of the boat, the crowds spotted Jesus. It didn't take long for the news to spread and the crowds to show up. And Mark tells us that wherever Jesus went – in the villages, cities, or countryside – the crowds would appear. Anyone who was sick or had a friend or relative who was sick, flocked to Jesus. He was like the Pied Piper of Palestine.

Interestingly enough, both Matthew and Mark record that people were begging Jesus to simply let the sick touch at hem of his robe, and that all who were able to do so, were healed. Where did they get this idea? Obviously news had reached them about the woman in Capernaum, who had touched Jesus' robe and been healed (Mark 5:24-34). Jesus had told her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. Your suffering is over" (Mark 6:34 NLT). Now there were hundreds, if not thousands, of sick people who wanted the opportunity to touch Jesus' robe and be healed. And Mark tells us, "all who touched him were healed" (Mark 6:56 NLT). Matthew makes the same claim. Not some, but all. What a scene this must have been. Into every town and village where Jesus walked, a crowd would surround Him, reaching out to touch Him. I can imagine the disciples trying to act as bodyguards, attempting to keep the crowds away. They probably feared for Jesus' safety. But nothing was going to keep the sick from reaching Him. They were needy and desperate, and their need and desperation drove them to get to Jesus any way they possibly could. They were determined. And as each one touched Him, they were immediately healed from whatever disease from which they suffered. As Jesus walked along, He would have left countless healed and happy people shouting and dancing in His wake. All because they had touched His robe. What power. What incredible proof of who He claimed to be. Just hours before, the disciples had watched Jesus walk on water and had exclaimed, "You really are the Son of God!" (Matthew 14:33 NLT). Now they were watching as Jesus gave further undeniable proof of His claim to be not only their Messiah, but the Son of God.

Did all those people who touched His robe and received healing believe He was the Messiah? Did they acknowledge Him as the Son of God? We're not told one way or the other. But they obviously believed He could heal them. So they came and they reached out and touched His robe. And they were healed. They received back their health. They were made physically whole. But there is no indication that they were spiritually transformed. Like so many of Jesus' miracles, these were intended as lessons for the disciples – those men whom Jesus had chosen and who would take the message of Good News to the world once Jesus had died, resurrected and returned to heaven. Every time someone touched Jesus' robe and received healing, it was meant to solidify in the minds of the disciples that He really was who He said He was. When He walked on the water, it was proof of His deity. When He fed the 5,000, it was proof of the limitless nature of His power as the Son of God. When He cast out demons, it was evidence of His sovereignty over all things, not only in the physical realm, but the spiritual. His power was so great, that those who simply touched the hem of His robe received complete healing. No words spoken. No conversations had. No details shared. A single touch and wholeness was restored.

But Jesus Himself had said, "For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost" (Luke 19:10 NLT). He came to restore the spiritually sick to wholeness. He came to bring healing, but not of the physical kind. He came to heal the broken souls of men and restore them to a right relationship with His Father. He came to redeem mankind out of slavery to sin and offer Himself as the payment for the penalty they owed to God as rebellious sinners. Many, if not most, of the people who received physical healing from Jesus would go on to reject Him as their Lord and Savior. They would end up mocking Him as He hung on the cross. They had gotten from Him all that they really wanted from Him. They were well physically, and that was all that mattered to them. But Jesus came to give us so much more. He came to give us eternal life, not just a temporary fix to our physical lives. Those very same people would inevitably get sick again. They would all end up dying at some point. And while they had touched the hem of His robe and received healing, what they had really needed was Jesus to touch their hearts and give them new life. Perhaps many of these same people came to faith in Jesus after His resurrection. They may have been there that day at Pentecost when the disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, "began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability" (Acts 2:4 NLT). They could have been in the crowd when Peter spoke, and said, "each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins" (Acts 2:38 NLT). And "those who believed what Peter said were baptized and added to the church that day – about 3,000 in all" (Acts 2:41 NLT). Surely, there were some who had received healing from Jesus who eventually received salvation from Jesus. But there were others who were probably content with what they had. Jesus came to provide so much more. The healing He offers is eternal, not temporary. The touch He offers is meant to heal the soul, not just the body. Anyone could reach out and touch His robe and receive physical healing. But only Jesus can touch a heart and provide salvation for the soul.

Father, thank You sending Your Son to touch me. When I wasn't even able to see my own sin and admit my own need, He mercifully and graciously touched me and showed me my need and offered me His solution. I am eternally grateful. Thank You for healing me from the inside out. Thank You for the assurance, that while this body is prone to disease and decay, my soul is whole and my future is secure in You. Amen.


The Storms of Life.

John 6:15-21

“Soon a gale swept down upon them, and the sea grew very rough.” – John 6:18 NLT

John's account of this event is short and sweet. He leaves out a lot of the details that Matthew and Mark provide. He simply tells us that the disciples, having waited for Jesus, went ahead and started to sail back across the Lake. According to Mark's account, Jesus had insisted that the disciples go ahead and return to Bethsaida, on the other side of the lake. Jesus had intended to get away by Himself for some time in prayer. But it would appear that the disciples decided to wait for Jesus. When it became dark, they finally did what Jesus had told them to do. About halfway across the lake, a sudden storm blew in. They had been here before. But this time Jesus was not with them. While several of the disciples were seasoned fishermen, the majority of them were landlubbers. They were out of their element and way out of their comfort zone. They were at the mercy of the waves and the wind. There was little they could do about it but continue to row and try to make shore.

In the midst of all the chaos and confusion, there suddenly appeared a form moving across the surface of the water. With the blowing mist and the darkness, it was difficult to make out what it was. But it appeared to look like a man walking on the water. The very sight of it terrified them. Their fear of the storm was replaced by the fear of this apparition. Little did they know at the time that it was Jesus. According to Mark, Jesus had seen their predicament while standing on the shore. This in itself is a miracle, because they were three or four miles away and it was dark. But Jesus saw the clearly. And Mark says, "He saw that that they were in serious trouble, rowing hard, and struggling against the wind and the waves" (Mark 6:48 NLT). Jesus saw what was happening. So what did He do? "Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. He intended to go past them, but when they saw him walking on the water they cried out in terror, thinking he was a ghost" (Mark 6:48-49 NLT). This is an important point. Jesus intended to go past them or pass them by. But John says, "suddenly they saw Jesus walking on the water toward the boat" (John 6:19 NLT). It seems that Jesus had every intention of them seeing Him. He wanted them to see and sense His presence in the middle of the storm. He could have calmed the storm while standing on the shore. But instead, He literally walked out to them in the midst of the storm. He was in the storm with them. And He was in a seemingly worse spot than they were – He had no boat!

Jesus called out to the disciples over the wind and the crashing waves. He said, "Don't be afraid. I am here!" (John 6:20 NLT). I think it's interesting that He didn't say, "Waves be still! Wind be calm!" He didn't speak to the storm. No, He spoke to the disciples. And He assured them of His presence. He was right there with them. He was in the middle of their storm. If He could walk on the waters of their storm, certainly they could row over them to safety. But that wasn't enough for the disciples. John tells us that "they were eager to let him in the boat" (John 6:21 NLT). They wanted Jesus in the boat with them. And I think they also wanted Him to calm the storm around them. But we have to remember that Jesus had seen their situation from a distance. He knew what was happening. And He didn't seem shocked or overly concerned. They were three to four miles away and Jesus decided to walk that distance to them. We don't know how long it took. But it does not appear that He was in any rush. He didn't suddenly appear to them. He didn't just show up in the boat. He walked to them. He saw their circumstances and then calmly revealed Himself in the midst of them.

There is nothing that happens in our lives that Jesus is not fully aware of. As God, He can see everything. And there is never a point in time that He is caught off guard or shocked by the circumstances and storms of our lives. Not only does He see, but He shows up. At just the right time. And He tells us, "Don't be afraid. I am here!" There is no storm great enough to keep Him away. He simply walks into our situation and shows Himself to us. Smack dab in the middle of the storm. There were going to be other storms for the disciples. Their lives were going to be filled with dark and difficult days. Jesus had already told them, "But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with ships in the synagogues. You will stand trial before governors and kings because you are my followers" (Matthew 10:17-18 NLT). The storms were coming. But Jesus would be with them. He was not going to abandon them. And we have that same assurance today. We are not promised a storm-free life, but we are promised the presence and power of Christ. He will never leave us or forsake us. And He will always show up in the difficult times. He will reveal Himself to us. And we will see Him if we look for Him.

Father, thank You for the constant abiding presence of Jesus in my life. Forgive me for the many times I allow the storms of my life to convince me that He is nowhere to be found. But nothing could be farther from the truth. He is there. He is always there. And that constant presence should provide me with overwhelming peace – even in the middle of the storms of life. Amen.

Here We Go Again.

Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-52

“They were totally amazed, for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracle of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in.” – Mark 6:51-52 NLT

After all the leftovers had been picked up after the feeding of the 5000 and the crowds had been sent home, Jesus told the disciples to head back across the Sea of Galilee to the town of Bethsaida. After spending some time alone in prayer, He would meet them there. This out to bring to mind another recent trip across this same lake. That time Jesus was with them and a storm blew in unexpectedly, catching them in the middle of the lake. The disciples thought they were going to drown, but Jesus was asleep in the boat. They woke Him up and He calmed the storm. They were blown away at what they had seen. And it was all about to happen again. But this time, they were alone. Jesus was not with them. They had seen a lot happen between these two events. They had witnessed the healings of the demoniac and the woman with the issue of blood, Jairus' daughter being brought back to life, and they had been given power and authority to perform the very same kind of miracles themselves. And just a few hours before, they had witnessed Jesus feed thousands of people with just a few loaves and fishes.

Now they were in a boat in the middle of the lake in the middle of the night. I'm sure they were thinking, "This can't be happening again!" And even if their faith did kick in and they remembered how Jesus had saved them the first time, they had to worry about the fact that He wasn't asleep in the boat this time. He was nowhere to be found. Evidently, this storm was not as bad as the first., but they were having to work hard to row against the wind and waves. Jesus sees them from the shore. Mark tells us that He began to walk on the water, but had every intention of walking right past them on His way to the opposite side. He wasn't heading their way in order to save them. He must have known they were safe and would make it to the shore eventually.

It was dark, rain was coming down in sheets, and the wind was blowing hard. The sudden appearance of what appeared to be a man walking on top of the water unnerved them. They were terrified, thinking they were seeing a ghost. But Jesus calmed their fears. He spoke to them. He even invited Peter to step out of the boat and walk out to meet Him on the water. Which Peter did, until he took his eyes off of Jesus and focused on the waves and wind. Then he sank. But Jesus rescued him and they both make it safely to the boat. Much has been made about Peter's adventure of walking on the water. But it's interesting that neither Mark or John record that part of the story. Their main emphasis is on Jesus, words. "Don't be afraid. Take courage! I am here!" (Mark 6:50 NLT). And Mark makes note of a special point of interest. He tells that when Jesus climbed into the boat and the waves immediately stopped, that the disciples were totally amazed. Matthew records that "the disciples worshiped him" (Matthew 14:33 NLT) and said that He must really be the Son of God. But Mark simply says, "They were totally amazed, for they still didn't understand the significance of the miracles of the loaves. Their hearts were too hard to take it in" (Mark 6:51-52 NLT). Those two accounts seem to be in contradiction to one another. Did they worship or did they doubt?

The real point of this story seems to be their surprise. They were totally amazed at what they had seen. Mark makes mention of the miracle of the loaves. But this was just the most recent miracle they had witnessed. These men had seen Jesus heal the demoniac and the woman with the issue of blood. They had even personally done some of the same things when Jesus gave them power and authority to do so. They had watched as Jesus raised Jairus' daughter from the dead. And not too many days prior to this one, they had watched as Jesus calmed the storm on the very same lake with just a word from His mouth. And yet, they were shocked and surprised at seeing Jesus walk on water. I think they did worship Him. I think they did say, "You really are the Son of God!" (Matthew 14:33 NLT). But it was all after the fact. It was as a result of what He had just done. It seems that their hearts had not grasped the significance of all that had happened up until that point. They did not anticipate or eagerly expect Jesus to do the miraculous, but seemed to be surprised each time He did something out of the ordinary. Their worship was retroactive not anticipatory. It is interesting to note that Jairus came to Jesus expecting Him to heal his daughter. The woman with the issue of blood anticipated something miraculous happening if she could just touch the hem of Jesus' robe. The crowds flocked to Jesus expecting Him to heal the sick. Yet the disciples were blown away each and every time Jesus did something unexpected or extraordinary.

And we can be guilty of the same thing. Too often we fail to anticipate or expect the miraculous from Jesus. We call Him our Lord and Savior. We acknowledge Him as the Son of God. But we don't eagerly expect Him to do the unexpected in our lives. As a matter of fact, we are usually surprised when He does – pleasantly so. But a true understanding of who Jesus is anticipates the miraculous. Rather than being surprised by the power of Jesus, a person of faith expects and anticipates it. He looks for it. This was the problem with the disciples. They were still living with doubt and fear. When the storm came up, they didn't expect a miracle, even though they had already seen Jesus do something before. When Jesus came to them walking on the water, they were shocked. They had failed to learn the lesson of the loaves. Jesus is not limited by anything. As the Son of God, He had power over demons, disease, and nature. He even had power over the molecular structure of bread and fish. Nothing was impossible for Him. So expect Him to do the impossible.

Father, Your Son should not surprise us. His power should not catch us off guard or shock us. We should eagerly anticipate it and expect it as a normal part of a life lived with the Son of God. May our worship be anticipatory, not retroactive. May we live looking forward to what Your Son will do, not just worshiping what He has done. Help us to live expectantly. Amen.

A Lesson In Limitlessness.

John 6:1-14

“Jesus soon saw a huge crowd of people coming to look for him. Turning to Philip, he asked, ‘Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?’” – John 6:5 NLT

John gives us a unique insight into this familiar story. Matthew, Mark and Luke all record that as the day grew late, the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him to send the crowds away. It was getting close to dinner time and they would have to find someplace to eat. John gives us the added insight that "it was nearly time for the Jewish Passover celebration" (Luke 6:4 NLT). Which means that there were more people in this vicinity as Jews were making the long trek to Jerusalem for Passover. So that explains why the disciples mentioned the crowds having to find somewhere to buy food rather than simply return to their own homes. Many of these people would have been pilgrims, just passing through on their way to Jerusalem for Passover. Inns were few and far between. There would have been few places to eat or sleep. This only intensifies the need of the moment.

At some point, Jesus turns to Philip and asks, "Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?" (John 6:5 NLT). We're not told why Jesus singled out Philip, but it was probably because he was from the town of Capernaum, which was about nine miles from where they were standing. He would have known all the towns and villages in the area. Interestingly enough, Philip's response didn't bring up the fact that there weren't enough places around there to buy food. Instead, he pointed out that their real problem was a lack of resources. They didn't have enough money to buy the food to feed that many people. So he simply responded, "Even if we worked for months, we wouldn't have enough money to feed them!" (Luke 6:7 NLT). We don't know why the other Gospel writers didn't record this exchange. It may have been that Jesus did it in private and only John was there to overhear it. John had a unique relationship with Jesus and always seemed to be at His side. So he could have been there when Jesus had this conversation with Philip. But we're told that Jesus was simply testing Philip, to see what he would say and do, given the circumstances. Jesus already knew what He was going to do. Remember, the disciples had just returned from their short-term mission trip where they had experienced first-hand the power and authority given to them by Jesus. They had cast out demons and healed all kinds of diseases. Now they found themselves facing a new kind of problem, a different kind of need. How would they respond? What would they do?

Philips response is totally normal and natural, but it reveals a limited perspective. He was judging their capacity to solve the problem based on human and physical limits. There were too many people and not enough money. Case closed. The need outweighed their resources. Even when they found a young boy with five barley loaves and two small fish, Andrew said, "What good is that with this huge crowd?" (Luke 6:9 NLT). They had limited resources. But Jesus was about to show them new way of looking at things. He was going to change their perspective by taking what little they had and doing much with it. The real lesson was going to be that nothing can limit God. Jesus had everyone sit down. We don't know the exact number of people, but chances are, if there were 5,000 men alone, there were probably at least an additional 5,000 women and children present. So at minimum, there were 10,000 plus people in the crowd that day. Jesus took the fives loaves and the two fish, gave thanks to God, then began breaking them apart, giving them to the disciples to distribute among the people. "And they all ate as much as they wanted" (Luke 6:11 NLT). John tells us that Jesus did not stop until everyone was completely full and satisfied. This was not a case of careful rationing of what they had. It was a miraculous multiplying of what appeared to be not enough. Jesus used the limitless power of God to produce a limitless supply of food. Nobody went without. And nothing was wasted. Jesus had the disciples pick up what was not eaten and there were twelve baskets filled with the leftover scraps the people didn't eat. No money was used to solve this problem. There was no pooling of resources in order to produce a solution. Surely the disciples could have come up with a plan to take up an offering and then use that money to go and buy food for the people. And if they had succeeded, they would have taken credit for having solved the problem on their own. But Jesus wasn't really interested in how or what they could do. He was trying to get them to understand that God solves human problems by heavenly means. I have to believe that there was subtle message from Jesus to the disciples in all of this. He was breaking bread and handing it to the disciples, who then passed it out among the people. The day was coming when Jesus, the Bread of Life, would be broken on a Roman cross, and the disciples would be tasked with passing on the message of His death and resurrection to people in need all around the world. And the day right after this event happened, Jesus would say, "The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world" (John 6:33 NLT). The people responded by asking Jesus to give them some of this bread. To which He replied, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" (John 6:35 NLT). Jesus would go on to tell them, "Yes, I am the bread of life! Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, but they all died. Anyone who eats the bread from heaven, however, will never die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live forever; and this bread, which I will offer so the world may live, is my flesh" (John 6:48-51 NLT).

The real message on the hillside that day wasn't just about Jesus being able to miraculously feed thousands of people with next to nothing at His disposal. It was about something far greater and more important. The people who ate the food that day would have been hungry again in just a few hours. Their satisfaction would only have lasted a little while. They were amazed at Jesus had done and wanted to crown Him king right then and there. But they had yet to eat of the Bread of Life. They were still spiritually needy and condemned by their own sin. But not long from this moment, the disciples would be handing out a new form of sustenance and salvation that would have the potential to change the lives of these people forever. Jesus would give His life so that others may live. He would be broken so that others might be healed. He would suffer so that others would not have to. That's the real message behind the miracle. We can't save ourselves. Our resources are limited. But God has a plan to meet our need, and His name is Jesus.

Father, thank You Jesus. Thank You for providing a solution to my problem. My sin was great, but Your solution was greater. You provided a way to satisfy my spiritual hunger and give me life when I was faced with certain death. Never let me lose sight of the real message of this story. It isn't about bread and fishes, but about the Bread of Life – Jesus Christ – the only answer to the spiritual hunger of the world. Amen.

You Feed Them.

Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17

“Late in the afternoon his disciples came to him and said, ‘This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go the nearby farms and villages and buy something to eat.’” – Mark6:35-36 NLT

This is a very familiar story for most of us. But most of us don't know its context. Over the years it has become an isolated event – a Sunday School story – floating on its own, somehow removed from the timeline of Jesus' life and isolated from the immediate context of all that was going on both before and after. But in reading and studying the Scriptures, context is critical, especially when studying the life of Jesus. The context surrounding this event is that Jesus had just recently received news of the death of John the Baptist. As a result, He had spent some time alone in mourning while His disciples were away on their first official assignment. He had sent them out "two by two, giving them authority to cast out evil spirits" (Mark 6:7 NLT). Luke tells us that Jesus had given them "power and authority to cast out all demons and to heal all diseases" (Luke 9:1 NLT). They had returned fired up and excited to tell Jesusall the wonderful things they had done. Their faith should have been at an all-time high. Jesus attempts to get them away for a little R&R, but the next thing they all know, the crowds have found them once again. There were so many of them, Jesus and the disciples didn't even have time to eat. Jesus felt compassion for them "because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things" (Mark 6:34 NLT).

But as the day got late, the disciples, still worn out from their short-term mission trip, came to Jesus and told Jesus, "This is a remote place, and it's already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the nearby farms and villages and buy something to eat" (Mark 6:35-36 NLT). They were tired and hungry. They were also probably a little sick and tired of the constant presence and pressure of the crowds. This would have looked like a good time for Jesus to get rid of them. It was dinner time. But instead of sending the crowds away, He turned to the disciples and simply said, "You feed them." Now this is where context becomes important. They had just returned from an assignment given to them by Jesus where they personally experienced the power and authority of God in their lives. They had been able to cast out demons – just like Jesus. They had been able to heal all kinds of diseases – just like Jesus. But when faced with this statement from the lips of Jesus, they didn't know what to do. And I have to think that part of their problem was that, while they had experienced the power and authority of Jesus, they still did not have the mind of Jesus. They did not yet have the heart of Jesus. When Jesus looked at the crowds, He felt compassion. When the disciples looked at the crowds, they saw a problem. Jesus saw an opportunity. They saw an impossibility. Just look at their response. "‘With what?’ they asked. ‘We'd have to work for months to earn enough money to buy food for all these people!’” (Mark 6:37 NLT). Remember, they had been given power and authority. Their capabilities were limitless. It was their imaginations that posed the problem. In their minds, what Jesus was asking them to do was impossible and illogical. It made no sense. It was out of the question.

But Jesus simply responded, "How much bread to you have? Go find out." (Mark 6:38 NLT). Reluctantly and without much confidence, they did as they were asked and returned with the bad news that they only have five loaves of bread and two fishes. Their doubts were confirmed. Not enough food for so many people. They had been right all along. Jesus was going to have to send the people away to find food somewhere else. But instead, Jesus took the opportunity to teach them a valuable lesson. He would show them how He sees things. He would reveal to them His though process when confronted with what appear to be insurmountable odds. Jesus took what little they had and did something unbelievable. He used His God-given power and authority to meet a need. He fed the hungry, rather than send them away. He provided for their need, rather than demand that they fend for themselves. And what is important is that Jesus used the disciples as the means by which He distributed the food to the people. They became the conduits of blessing as they took the fish and the bread from the hands of Jesus and distributed it among the crowds. They would have had to have looked at all those faces. They would have seen their hunger and heard their words of thanks and amazement. And they would have noticed that every single person had more than enough to eat, including themselves. And surely it's no coincidence that there were exactly 12 baskets of food left over when it was all said and done.

When I read this story, I can't help but think about the words of Paul: "Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had" (Philippians 2:3-4 NLT). We must have the mind of Christ, the attitude of Christ. Paul goes on to describe Jesus' humility and servant's spirit. Jesus loved others to the point of death. In his famous "love chapter" Paul reminds us "If I could speak all the languages of earth and of angels, but didn’t love others, I would only be a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing. If I gave everything I have to the poor and even sacrificed my body, I could boast about it;but if I didn’t love others, I would have gained nothing" (1 Corinthians 13:1-3 NLT). The disciples had experienced the power and authority that Jesus possessed. But they still lacked love. They did not yet share the heart of Jesus. To be able to cast out demons and heal all manner of diseases would be wasted if it could not be done with love. Jesus did all that He did out of love. He was motivated by love. He was empowered by love. He fed the 5,000 because of love. He died because of love. Before we long to experience the power of Christ, we must learn to love like Christ.

Father, thank You for the lives of the disciples. We are so much like them. Their transparency is refreshing, because it reminds me of how often I can lose sight of what makes Your heart beat fast. Continue to teach me to have the same attitude that Jesus has. May I grow more and more in my love for others. May humility and servanthood mark my life more and more. Help me to view the world and others through the eyes of Christ. Amen.

Bad News and Good News.

Matthew 14:1-12; Mark 6:14-29; Luke 9:7-9

“As soon as Jesus heard the news, he left in a boat to a remote area to be alone.” – Matthew 14:13 NLT

Over the centuries, the spread of the Good News has not been without its share of difficulties, setbacks and even tragic losses. From the very beginning there have been costs involved in following Christ and spreading His message of salvation through faith in Him alone. Once Christ rose again and returned to heaven, even the disciples suffered greatly as they took over the responsibility of disseminating the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world. In fact, Jesus had just warned them of this reality right before He had sent them out on their first official missionary journey. "But beware! For you will be handed over to the courts and will be flogged with whips in the synagogues" (Matthew 10:17 NLT). He had told them that they would be arrested and tried for being His followers. There would be those who would want to kill them. And many of the disciples would end up dying as martyrs at the hands of those who stood opposed to Jesus. The Gospel is costly. Living for Christ in the midst of a world that despised and hates us is dangerous. And it has been that way from the beginning.

John the Baptist was the first martyr for the cause when he was beheaded by Herod. John had had the audacity to stand up to this powerful leader and call him to account regarding his immoral relationship with Herodias. She was actually his brother's wife and Herod had stolen her from him. John had warned him against marrying her because it was in violation of God's law. John's message was not received well, and it ended up costing him his life. This faithful servant of God was brutally murdered by a corrupt political figure whose life provided a vivid and stark contrast to that of John. It seems so unfair. It doesn't make sense. Why should someone so gifted and obviously called by God, be snuffed out in the prime of his life. Yet Herod would continue to live a life of luxury and moral license. But this pattern has been painfully repeated over the centuries with the deaths of men like Steven recorded in the early chapters of the book of Acts. And there have been countless others who have suffered and died as a result of their faithfulness to the call of Christ – men like David Brainerd, William Tyndale, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and Jim Elliot. Even the apostle Paul would eventually die a martyrs death, having spent most of his ministry life imprisoned and persecuted for his faith. And it was a reality he willingly, if not eagerly, embraced. "As for me, my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful" (1 Timothy 4:6-7 NLT).

When Jesus received word that John the Baptist had been executed by Herod, He had to get away by Himself, so He went by boat to a remote area. We're not told what He did there, but I have to believe that Jesus spent time in mourning over the death of His cousin and ministry partner, but also in prayer, asking His Father for wisdom, strength, and perseverance to finish the race strong, just as Paul had desired. It is interesting to note that Jesus would have been without the disciples at this point, having just sent them all out on mission. So He would have been entirely alone when the news of John's death arrived. Jesus would not have taken the news lightly. I am sure His heart was saddened, but He also would have been fully at peace with His Father's plan and the timing of it all. I am sure when the disciples returned and heard the news, they were probably just as upset, but also confused by the events surrounding John's death. They would have had questions and concerns, and raised issues regarding the fairness of it all – just as we would do today. They would have had no idea that a similar fate was awaiting many of them in the not-too-distant future. This was just the opening salvo of a deadly and dangerous spiritual war that is still going on today. Around the world, there are those who are still dying for their faith in Christ. The enemy is still attempting to stop the cause of Christ by attacking the followers of Christ. As Jesus Himself told us, his objective is "to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10 NLT). He is vicious and relentless. He is obsessed with the thwarting of God's purposes and the destruction of God's people. But we have a Savior, and He has a plan. His redemptive work is not yet complete. His victory is assured, but the battle still wages on. We must remain steadfast and faithful. We must trust in His purposes and rest in His plan for us. It will not always make sense. It will not always appear fair. But God is faithful. He knows what He is doing. We can trust Him. And we can rest in this timeless truth given to us by John: "But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world" (1 John 4:4 NLT).

Father, keep our eyes focused on You. Don't let us lose hope in the midst of the seeming victories of the enemy. When we see a brother suffer or fall, keep us trusting in Your perfect plan. You never take Your eyes off of us. Your never stop loving us. You are faithful, true, and completely trustworthy. There will be bad news as we continue to spread the Good News. There will be martyr. There will be sufferers. But the battle is won. The victory is assured. The end is already determined. Help me to rest in that reality. Amen.