worldly wisdom

The Wisdom of this World.

2 Samuel 1-2, 1 Corinthians 3

 Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you thinks that he is wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. – 1 Corinthians 3:18-19 ESV

After years of running for his life, you would have thought David would have rejoiced over the news that his archenemy was dead. But instead, David mourned, wept and fasted. He found no joy in Saul's death, and even executed the young man who claimed to have taken his life. Having come upon the slain body of Saul, this young Amalekite came up with the brilliant idea to take Saul's crown and arm band, bring them to David, and present himself as the one who took the life of Saul's mortal enemy. Conventional wisdom told him that David would reward him. But instead, he was put to death. “David said to him, ‘How is it you were not afraid to put out your hand to destroy the Lord's anointed?’” (2 Samuel 1:14 ESV). God had not given David permission to take the life of Saul, so why did this young man think he could do so? Worldly wisdom proved to be folly in his case.

With David's anointing as king over Judah, there appears to be a turning point in the life of the people of God. He will prove to be a different kind of leader than Saul. David was a man after God's own heart. He had a sensitivity to God and a desire to do things God's way. When he heard the news of Saul's death, he didn't rush into Israel demanding to be crowned king. He had every right to do so, because he had been crowned king by the prophet of God. Instead, he sought the mind of God. He wanted to know what God would have him do. He wanted God's wisdom, not the wisdom of men. This characteristic of David would set him apart from his peers. It would mark him as God's servant. He didn't always act wisely or seek God's will entirely, but David attempted to live his life according to God's direction.

What does this passage reveal about God?

God had always wanted to guide and direct the lives of the people of Israel. He wanted them to submit to His will and obey His commands. He had promised to bless them if they would. But they had a track record of disobedience and unfaithfulness. They had an insatiable love for the world. Paul could have been referring to them when he wrote, “But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh” (1 Corinthians 3:1 ESV). They were driven by their passions and controlled by their sinful nature. You see in this story the actions of sinful men acting out in selfish, unspiritual ways. Abner refuses to recognize David as king, anointing Ish-bosheth, the son of Saul, the king of Israel instead. There are murders, intrigue, deception, political positioning, and revenge killings. Everyone is doing what they perceive to be right. But few, if any, of them are doing what God would have them do. The only one who seems interested in seeking the will of God is David. Everyone else simply does what is right in their own eyes. But Paul reminds us, “He catches the wise in their craftiness” (1 Corinthians 3:19 ESV) and “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile” (1 Corinthians 3:20 ESV).

What does this passage reveal about man?

It was God's will that David be the next king of Israel. But men muddied the water. Abner refused to acknowledge David as king, putting the heir of Saul on the throne instead. So for a number of years, there was a divided kingdom. On top of that, there was war between the people of Judah and the people of Israel. This unnecessary conflict resulted in the deaths of countless Israelites, including Asahal and Abner. It resulted in a curse on the house of Joab. The wisdom of this world is futile and results in folly. No matter how good it may sound, worldly wisdom will always disappoint. It will never deliver as promised. It is marked by jealousy, strife and conflict, because it is almost always self-centered and selfishly motivated. It is centered around man's glory, instead of God's.

How would I apply what I’ve read to my own life?

When Paul accused the Corinthians of being people of the flesh, he was referring to their petty divisions regarding who had baptized each of them. They had actually allowed divisions to develop within the church over who was baptized by Paul and who was baptized by Apollos. Some were claiming to be followers of one or the other. And Paul told them that they were “behaving only in a human way” (1 Corinthians 3:3 ESV). Rather than focusing their attention on God, they were making it about men, and they were missing the point. The key to discovering true wisdom is recognizing our own stupidity. Without God we are all lacking in wisdom. What we have is a human wisdom that is ultimately futile and foolish. God is not impressed with our wisdom. “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile” (1 Corinthians 3:20 ESV). So we need to recognize that man's wisdom, no matter how impressive it may appear to be, is no match for the wisdom of God. And there is no reason to boast about or place our hope in men. Like David, we must turn to God. We must seek His will and desire to know His wisdom. James tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him” (James 1:5 ESV). God's wisdom is available at all times. He desires to give it. All we must do is recognize our need and ask Him for it.

Father, I need Your wisdom each and every day. There are so many things that happen in a given day that require me to make decisions or choices. If I rely on the wisdom of this world, it almost always results in disappointment. I need Your wisdom. I want to live according to Your will. Help me recognize my need and turn to You for help. And give me the patience to wait until I hear from You. Amen


Misplaced Hope.

1 Samuel 31, 1 Corinthians 2

 And when the men of Israel who were on the other side of the valley and those beyond the Jordan saw that the men of Israel had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their cities and fled. And the Philistines came and lived in them. – 1 Samuel 31:7 ESV

King Saul was dead. Mortally wounded in battle with the Philistines, he ended up taking his own life rather than allow himself to be taken captive alive and be subjected to a slow and humiliating death at the hands of his enemies. When news of Saul's death and that of his son, Jonathan, made it into the camp of the remaining Israelites, they panicked. They lost all hope. Their king was dead and so was his likely successor. In fact, all of Saul's sons had been killed in battle, so their was no heir to the throne. So all the Israelites living east of the Jordan abandoned their homes and cities, leaving them to be captured and occupied by the Philistines. They had placed their hope for the future in an earthly king and now found themselves leaderless and hopeless. Rather than trust God, they had decided to invest their loyalty and allegiance in a man. In their minds, it had all made sense. When they had demanded that Samuel, the prophet of God, give them a king just like all the other nations, it had seemed like such a logical and wise decision. Samuel was getting old and his sons were wicked. So it made sense that they needed a leader, and when they looked around, all the other great nations had kings. So they went with the worldly wisdom of the day and demanded a king for themselves. Now the body of their king hung lifeless and headless on the wall of a Philistine city, and they were running for their lives.

What does this passage reveal about God?

This was not God's preferred plan for their lives. He had wanted to bless them and make them successful. He had wanted to give them victory over their enemies. They were to have been the most powerful people in the land, feared by their enemies and known for the strength of their God. But now the Philistines were worshiping the power of their own gods for having given them victory over the Israelites. Rather than fear the Israelites, they saw them as weak and powerless. And they viewed the God of Israel as inferior and weak, incapable of rescuing His own people from destruction and defeat. Conventional wisdom would have supported this view. From a human perspective it would have appeared that the gods of the Philistines were more powerful than the God of the Israelites. But the wisdom of this world can't comprehend the ways of God. The Philistines were gloating over their victory. The Israelites were running as a result of their defeat. But God was going to use this bleak moment in their history as yet another lesson and as a “demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God” (1 Corinthians 2:3 ESV).

What does this passage reveal about man?

Worldly wisdom and godly wisdom are two different things. Men tend to believe their wisdom is superior and fully capable of providing them with the answers they seek and the direction they need for success in this world. Relying on human wisdom is a dangerous mistake. It may sound logical and make all the sense in the world, but Paul would remind us that placing our faith in the wisdom of this world rather than in the power of God will always lead to a less-than-perfect outcome. The people of Israel learned that lesson. So did Saul. Paul knew that the wisdom and rulers of this age “are doomed to pass away” (1 Corinthians 2:6 ESV). They come and they go, but God remains. And His wisdom is hidden, unavailable to men unless He chooses to reveal it to them. The wisest men of Jesus' day were totally incapable of recognizing who He was and unable to understand the truth of what He was offering them. Paul said, “None of the rulers of this age understood this, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1 Corinthians 2:8 ESV). Instead, they relied on their own wisdom and determined that the best plan was to put Jesus to death. Human wisdom resulted in their decision to have Jesus crucified. It made logical sense to them. But they were blind to the reality of what they were doing. They were incapable of understanding the will and the thoughts of God, so they relied on human reason alone.

How would I apply what I’ve read to my own life?

I have been given the ability to understand the mind of God because He has given me His Spirit. “So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God” (1 Corinthians 2:11-12 ESV). God has equipped me with the capacity to comprehend His will and His ways. I am not left to rely on human wisdom or the wisdom of this age. I have access to a greater source of wisdom that can not only direct me, but protect me from placing my trust and hope in the wrong things. Paul reminds me, “The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14 ESV). I have the Spirit of God living within me. I have no excuse for not understanding God's will. I have no reason for refusing to trust God and place my hope in Him. But sadly, I still do. Even with the Spirit of God living within me, I can still find myself relying on human wisdom. I can still easily justify my own actions and determine that my ways make more sense than God's ways. But I have no justification for relying on anything other than God. I have them mind of Christ. I am indwelt by the Spirit of God. I have access to the Word of God. I don't have to rely on faulty human wisdom. With the help of the Spirit of God, I can comprehend the thoughts of God and live with my hope firmly placed on Him.

Father, I want to live with my trust in You, not in me. I want to live according to Your wisdom and not my own. Show me how to become increasingly more dependent on Your wisdom. Let me seek it through Your Word. Make it clear through the power and presence of Your Spirit. May I continue to learn to rely on You and place my hope and trust in You. Amen