Psalm 31 – Day 2
I am putting my trust in You, O Lord,
So don't ever let me be disappointed.
Deliver me, because You are righteous.
Please listen to me and rescue me.
Be my rock, my strength, my security. Keep me safe.
You are all those things and more to me,
And because of Your reputation, you will lead and guide me.
You will set me free from the traps that others set for me,
For You are my protector. I have trusted You with my life,
Because You are my faithful Redeemer.
I can't stand those who buy into worthless lies,
But I trust in You. I will find joy in your unfailing love and mercy,
Because You saw what I was going through and felt my pain.
You don't give me over to the enemy,
But put me in a place of safety and security.
I am at another one of those times when I need Your mercy,
My eyes are tired and my strength is gone.
It seems like I spend all my time lately in pain and sadness.
Part of it is due to my own sinfulness. It always produces pain.
But then my enemies have played their part as well.
They have just about destroyed my reputation,
Causing even my friends to avoid me like the plague.
I am out of sight and out of mind,
As good as dead, as useless to them as a broken pot.
I hear all the whispers behind my back,
I know what they're plotting against me,
And how they desire to have me out of the way.
But in spite of all this, I trust in You, because You are my God!
You are in complete control of my life,
So rescue me from all those who wish me harm.
Look on me kindly, rescue me because of Your faithfulness.
Don't let me be disappointed, Lord, because I trust in You.
Instead, let those who refuse to trust in You be disappointed.
Silence the liars, the prideful and those who slander with their words.
Your mercy and favor is unlimited, Lord,
And You have plenty to spare for those who love and fear You.
They find safety in Your presence,
Far from those who would attack them physically or verbally.
I offer You praise for all the times You have proven Your faithfulness,
Like that time when the city was under siege from my enemies.
I panicked and concluded that You had left me somehow.
But You heard my cry anyway.
So I want to encourage everyone who loves the Lord to follow Him.
He rewards those who remain loyal to Him,
And He pays back those who arrogantly ignore Him.
So put Your hope in the Lord and stay strong and courageous.