Psalms 13-14 – Day 2
It's A Matter Of When, Not If.(Based on Psalm 13)
Dear God, to be honest, sometimes it feels like You've forgotten me.
It seems like You've gotten busy someplace else or are distracted.
In the meantime, I end doing all kinds of self-examination,
To the point that even my soul suffers.
At times it even feels like unbelievers are better off than me.
All I ask is that You look at me and give me an answer, God!
I could use a little encouragement right now, because I'm dying here.
You don't want the "other side" to think they've won because I fell, do you?
The last thing you want is the enemy having a party at my expense.
But don't get me wrong. I have always believed that You love me;
And it's because You've saved me before, that I can rejoice even now.
I have confidence that a day is coming when I will be able to sing Your praises,
To rejoice in Your coming salvation, because You have always been good to me.
Know God Or No God. (Based on Psalm 14)
Only an idiot what convince himself, "There is no God."
But what else could he conclude,
When his life is characterized by sin, and he rarely does good?
But God has a perfect vantage point in heaven, and is able to see every single human being.
He scans humanity for any sign of wisdom or insight,
To see if anybody really wants to worship and obey Him. And His conclusion?
Every single person has rebelled against Him.
As a race, they are morally filthy,
Nobody does what God wants them to do, Not a single soul!
If they only knew the truth.
They are busy devouring the godly like bread,
When they should be calling out to God for mercy.
But the day is coming when those who said, "no God!"
Will truly know God, but only in fear.
Because ultimately, God is on the side of the godly.
While you're busy trying to frustrate the plans of God's people,
God has made a promise to protect them.
It's my hope that the ultimate salvation of God will take place soon,
That He will put an end to all this and restore His people once and for all.
When He does, we will all rejoice. We will all sing with joy.