Psalm 7 – Day 2
I come to You, O God, for any hope of protection,
Fully expecting You to defend me from those who harass me.
If You don't, I am in deep trouble.
They'll rip me to pieces like a lion would a lamb,
Leaving me a bloody mess with no hope of rescue.
You are my God, You know me.
If I have done anything wrong to deserve this,
If I am guilty of injustice in either word or deed,
If I have done anything to hurt a friend
Or unknowingly helped his enemy,
Then let those who are after me catch me.
Let them do whatever they want to me,
And leave me dishonored and humiliated.
But here's what I ask of You as my God:
Rise up in my defense! Stand up for me!
Let Your righteous anger bring a just ruling on my enemies!
Bring everybody into Your court of Law,
Show them who is boss, that You are the one who rules.
You alone have the right to judge the world and all who are in it.
As my judge, I ask that You decide my case because I am NOT guilty!
I long for the day when the wicked get what they deserve,
And the righteous honored by You.
Because You are God, You know the difference between the two.
You examine the hearts or men and know their true motives.
You are my God, my protector, You are a Savior to all those whose hearts are Yours.
You are a judge who makes right decisions,
Speaking out against injustice every single day.
If a person refuses to turn to You, but keeps on sinning,
You will be forced to give them what they deserve.
Your righteous justice will come like an enemy in battle,
You will use every weapon at Your disposal to dispose of them.
These people are like a woman suffering labor pains,
Their actions have left them pregnant,
And eventually they will bring into the world more lies, deceit and wickedness.
These people are always looking for ways to harm others,
But only end up hurting themselves in the end.
All the grief they intended for others ends up in their own laps.
They don't realize just how self-destructive their lifestyle really is.
And all this makes me grateful to God for His justice.
It makes me want to sing His praises,
Because He is in full control and will make all things right!