Isaiah 23-25
In that day the people will proclaim, "This is our God! We trusted in Him, and He saved us! This is the Lord, in who we trusted. Let us rejoice in the salvation He brings!" – Isaiah 25:9 NLT
What an incredible chapter. While Isaiah has been delivering sobering news of God's impending judgment on all the nations for their sin, he also receives a word from God that there is some unbelievable good news to go with the bad news. There is a day coming when God's judgment is complete. There is a going to come a time when God sends His Son back to rule and reign in righteousness. Order will be restored. Sin will be no more. Rebellion will cease. Death will be defeated once and for all. After the seven years of tribulation on the earth, Christ will return and bring a final judgment against all the enemies of God. He will be completely victorious and will establish His kingdom on earth in the city of Jerusalem. The remnant who remain – those who have placed their faith in Christ – will return to Jerusalem and rejoice in the deliverance God has provided through His Son Jesus Christ. There will be an inaugural banquet celebrating Christ's victory and the establishment of His kingdom on earth. The threat of death will be removed once and for all. There will be no more tears, sorrow, abuse, suffering, loss, guilt or shame. Those who have survived the tribulation by faith in Christ will recognize that their deliverance has come from God. Faith will be fulfilled. Hope will be realized. Longing will be satisfied. Because the King will have come.
The marketplace is empty, no more traffic in the street All the builder's tools are silent, no more time to harvest wheat Busy housewives cease their labor, in the courtroom no debate Work on earth has been suspended as the King comes through the gate
Happy faces line the hallway, those whose lives have been redeemed Broken homes He has mended, those from prison He has freed Little children and the aged hand in hand stand all a-glow Who were crippled, broken, ruined, clad in garments white as snow
I can hear the chariot's rumble, I can see the marching throng And the fury of God's trumpet spells the end of sin and wrong Regal rolls are now unfolded, heaven's grandstands all in place Heaven's choir is now assembled, start to sing "Amazing Grace"
The King is coming, the King is coming I just heard the trumpet sounding and soon His face I'll see The King is coming, the King is coming Praise God, He's coming for me
Father, Your Son is coming. He will one day finish what He began. He will complete what He started. While things can oftentimes look bleak and dark now, we have to remember that You are not done yet. Your plan is not yet finished. Judgment has to come. But salvation is coming as well. The King is coming! Praise God, He's coming for me! Amen