1 Chronicles 15-16
Let the heavens be glad, and the earth rejoice! Tell all the nations, "The Lord reigns!" – 1 Chronicles 16:31 NLT
The Lord reigns. He rules. He sits on His throne ruling over all mankind and accomplishing His divine will as He sees fit. As David begins his long-awaited reign as the king of Israel, he reminds himself and his subjects that God is the ultimate king of their nation. David makes sure he sets up the Ark of God in the capital city of Jerusalem in order to assure himself and remind the people that this kingdom is a theocracy first, and a monarchy second. David reigns on God's behalf and at His bequest. God put him on the throne, but God could just as easily remove him, as He did Saul.
David leads the people in a celebration of God's goodness and grace. The arrival of the Ark in the city of Jerusalem is a reminder that God is intimately involved in their lives. And for that reason, He deserves their praise, worship, allegiance, and thanksgiving. David reminds them of all that God has done on their behalf. He recalls God's faithfulness and redemptive work in their lives over the years. He is a good God who is worthy of much praise. It is only their relationship with God that sets the Israelites apart from all the other nations. He is the difference maker. It is He who makes them a unique people group among all the other people groups that populate the planet at that time. He is real, not an idol. He is powerful, and not just a figment of someone's fertile imagination. And He is intimately involved in every aspect of their daily live. And for all that, He is to be worshiped, praised, and obeyed. What a timely reminder to those of us today who call ourselves His people. He is as amazing today as He was then. He deserves our praise as much as He did theirs. He is worthy of our thanks, praise, honor and attention. Because He alone is God.
Father, I do praise you enough. I do not acknowledge Your greatness enough. I do not sing of your worthiness enough. Yet You are as faithful, powerful, reliable, and gracious as You have ever been. Praise You!!! Amen