Proverbs 2-3
Then you will understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will know how to find the right course of action every time. – Proverbs 2:9 NLT
Then you will understand what it means to fear the LORD…
Then you will what is right, just, and fair…
Then you will know how to find the right course of action every time…
Then you will find favor with both God and people…
Then you will gain a good reputation…
Then you will gain renewed health and vitality…
Then he will fill your barns with grain, and your vats will overflow with the finest wine…
There are some pretty significant promises in these two chapters, and they are all linked to our pursuit of and desire for wisdom. But not just any wisdom – the wisdom of God. Only God can grant it. So it would only make sense that we seek it from Him through His Word. The promises when we do are staggering. They sound almost too good to be true – much like the advertising claims for a new product or service. But these promises are far from empty. They are the commitments of a faithful God to His children. When we seek His wisdom, His will, and His way, we are blessed beyond belief. He will guard and guide us. He will protect and provide for us. He will help and heal us. He will give us an increasing awareness of His greatness and a growing appreciation for His kindness. The wisdom of God is essential to life in this fallen world and it is ours for the asking. He freely gives it to all those who seek it. But we must desire it enough to pursue it. We must need it enough to obey it. We must recognize its worth and rely on its direction. But where do we find this wisdom? On the pages of Scripture. In the words of the prophets, apostles, poets, and from the lips of Jesus Himself. To read God's Word is to hear from God Himself. He has filled the pages of the Bible with His revealed will and matchless character. He shows us His power, might, mercy, grace, love, holiness, righteousness, justice, and faithfulness – over and over again. He gives us a glimpse of His expectations as well as His exhortations. He speaks to us, encourages us, admonishes us, directs us, convicts us, comforts us, and reminds us of His unfailing love and unending mercy. All we need we find in His Word. So why don't we spend more time in it? Why don't we obey it? Why aren't we more passionate about it? The enemy, the flesh, and the world. They all three conspire to draw us away from the wisdom of God and attempt to replace it with a hollow alternative. The Proverbs are a call for us to remember where true wisdom comes from – from the lips of God Himself. Seek it and then you will …
Father, everything I need I can find in You. Your wisdom is sufficient to meet every need that comes my way. Yet I seek so many other things than You. I listen to so many other voices than Yours. Give me an increasing desire to hear Your Word and to obey it. May I grow in my ability to discern right from wrong as I grow in my knowledge of Your Word and Your will. Amen