1 Chronicles 18
So the LORD gave David victory wherever he went. – 1 Chronicles 18:6 NLT
David subdued and humbled…
David also conquered…
David destroyed…
David captured…
David killed…
David brought…
David dedicated…
David reigned…
At first blush, it would appear that this chapter is all about David. After all, his name is mentioned 16 times, so it would seem that he is the focus of the chapter. And in a way, he is. But there is one other character who plays an even more significant role in the story being told here. And that would be God. Without Him, none of David's exploits would have been possible. Without God, David would not even be the king of Israel. His presence in this story is what sets the reign of David apart from that of Saul and every other king who had ever ruled over a nation. The chronicler makes it clear: "So the LORD gave David victory wherever he went" (1 Chronicles 18:6 NLT). God gave the victory. David got the credit. He got to enjoy the thrill of the victory. He got to experience the rush of winning a decisive battle and watching the enemies of Israel cower at his feet. He got to see his royal coffers overflow with the plunder of each successive victory. But without God, none of it would have been possible. When David's army defeated the Moabites, the chronicler wrote, "This was another example of how the LORD made David victorious wherever he went" (1 Chronicles 18:13 NLT).
God is the behind-the-scenes star of this story. He always is. We may not see Him, but He is always there. David was God's man. He had chosen him to be king. He had anointed David as Saul's replacement and now that David was on the throne, God was blessing his every move. But David had a part to play. And it was not just to be successful. David's exploits are not nearly as important as David's heart. God had chosen David because he was a man after His own heart. David had a heart for God and it showed up in his obedience to God. Unlike his predecessor, David sought the will of God. He asked for God's guidance. And he seemed to know that his reign was only as strong as his relationship with God. Which is why David acknowledged God in his victories and sought God in times of defeat. As the spoil of battle began to add up, David made sure that he did not try and take credit for his victories. "King David dedicated all these gifts to the LORD, along with the silver and gold he had taken from the other nations he had subdued" (1 Chronicles 18:11 NLT). David knew that he was being blessed by God for a reason. If you recall, at one point David wanted to build a temple for God, but God told David that he would not be able to do so. That job would be up to David's son, Solomon. But David's victories were going to pay for the construction of that temple and much of the plunder of war would be used in furnishing the temple. "Later Solomon melted the bronze and used it for the Temple. He molded it into the bronze Sea, the pillars, and the various bronze utensils used at the Temple" (1 Chronicles 18:8 NLT). David was dedicated to God. Everything he did, he seemed to do for the glory of God. Was he always perfect in this pursuit? No. But we see in this chapter a characteristic of David that truly set him apart. And it is a quality that should mark our lives as Christ-followers. We should recognize that God is the behind-the-scenes star of our life story as well. He has called us. He has chosen us to be His sons and daughters. He is orchestrating the events of our lives in order to bring us good and Himself glory. It is our job to acknowledge Him and to realize that any "victory" we experience is due to Him, not us. We cannot take credit for our successes and blame God for our failures. And we cannot enjoy the benefits of a relationship with God without realizing that the blessings of God are not just for our own benefit. God blesses us in order that we might be a blessing to others. Our victories are not for us to bask in. God blesses us for a reason. David's successes were not for him, but for the glory of God and the good of the nation of Israel. Our successes are not for us, but for the glory of God and the good of the body of Christ. This is God's story, not ours. He is the star. And He alone deserves the credit.
Father, You do deserve all the credit for any successes I have experienced in my life. But it is so easy for me to rob You of glory by taking the credit myself. I over-value my own self-worth at times. I forget that I am nothing without You. Any good I experience, any blessings I enjoy – all come from Your hand. Help me continue to learn to give You all the credit. Thank You for being the behind-the-scenes star of my life's story. Amen