Do As I Say and Do.
1 Corinthians 4
So I urge you to imitate me. – 1 Corinthians 4:16 NLT
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. But having someone imitate your behavior can also be painfully embarrassing. When our children were younger, my wife had a favorite expression she liked to use whenever one of them did something that was less than appropriate. She would utter the words, "What parents do in moderation, children do to excess." Her point? She was trying to not-so-subtly say that their behavior was the result of watching us and attempting to mirror our actions – without the benefit of discernment, tact, or common sense. Now I have to admit that this little mantra was usually aimed at me. It was her way of letting me know that my negative behavior was having an impact on the children. And while much of what I was doing was not necessarily bad, it was encouraging our children to follow my lead. So if they heard daddy speak sarcastically and garner a laugh, they saw no reason why they shouldn't be able to do the same thing. If they heard daddy make excuses for not having done something he said he was going to do, it was only natural for them to assume it was perfectly acceptable for them to do likewise. But inevitably, their behavior would take it to the next level, fueled by their own immaturity and foolishness. Yet when confronted, they would usually plead, "But daddy does it!"
That's why this very short verse in chapter four of 1 Corinthians has always bothered me. It contains what appears to be a very prideful statement from the lips of Paul. Yet I believe Paul is highly sincere and anything but boastful when he tells the Corinthian believers, "I urge you to imitate me." I find it hard to read those words and not ask myself the question, "Would I ever dare to say the same thing?" If I did and someone took me up on the challenge, what would their behavior reveal? Would I be pleased or embarrassed? Would their imitation of me be the sincerest form of flattery or a painful indictment of my own sinfulness?
Paul's statement seems brash, arrogant and prideful. But he was simply confident that his life really was worth imitating. He was ready and willing to have the Lord examine his life and judge whether his heart was in the right place and his actions worthy of emulation. His concern was for the Corinthian believers. They had become prideful. They had divided into cliques and personality cults built around the various leaders who had contributed to their spiritual well-being. Some were fans of Paul. Others were fans of Apollos. The result was a growing sense of superiority and spiritual elitism. Paul praises them, but completely tongue in cheek. "You think you already have everything you need. You think you are already rich. You have begun to reign in God's kingdom without us!" (1 Corinthians 4:8 NLT). These people had become self-satisfied, cocky and divisive. So Paul used himself as a contrast. He compared himself to them, exposing the stark difference in their attitudes and actions. While they saw themselves as wise in Christ, he knew that his dedication to Christ resulted in him looking like a fool. While they longed to be honored, he faced ridicule. He regularly went without food, lacked enough clothes to keep himself warm in winter, had no home and worked tirelessly to pay his own way. He patiently took abuse, uttered blessings when cursed, and when lied about, he responded with gentleness, not anger.
When Paul says, "Imitate me," he is not being prideful. He sincerely wants them to take him up on his offer. In essence, Paul is not only telling them to "do as I say," but to "do as I do." In Paul's way of thinking, talk was cheap. Words had to be backed up by action. "For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk, it is living by God's power" (1 Corinthians 4:20 NLT). There is a quote, erroneously attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi, but a good quote nonetheless, that goes something like this: "Preach the gospel, and if necessary, use words." Our lives should be living proof of God's transformative power in our lives. Our actions should reveal that our attitudes are being changed by God. Our behavior should be evidence of transformed hearts. Paul had no problem inviting others to imitate his behavior. But not because he was perfect. He was a work in progress. He had not yet arrived. But he was constantly making an effort to seek after Christ in his life. He was humbly submitting to the will of God and the direction of the Spirit. He kept his eyes on the goal, realizing that he was a messenger for God, a steward of the Gospel and a servant of the Kingdom with a job to accomplish. He was to be a living, breathing example of what true life change was all about. And so are we.
Father, while my life is far from perfect and I often do things that I would not want anyone to imitate, I am trying to pursue the Christ life on a daily basis. I am trying to make Your will my will. I am trying to learn to lean more on You and less on me. I am attempting to make Your Kingdom my focus and not the things of this world. I want my life to be a living example of what it means to be a follower of Christ. Please continue Your work in my life so that I might be able to say to others, "Imitate me." Amen.