The Necessity Of Neediness.
Psalm 70 – Day 1
"But as for me, I am poor and needy; please hurry to my aid, O God. You are my helper and my savior; O Lord, do not delay." – Psalm 70:5 NLT
Who knew David could be a man of few words, but in this Psalm we see him cut to the chase and make his point to God in record time. He doesn't beat around the bush, but instead comes right out and tells God what he wants. "Please God, rescue me!" (Psalm 70:1 NLT). And he asks God to do it quickly. Evidently, David's need is pressing and he feels the pressure to demand immediate action by God. In a Psalm of so few words, it is interesting to note what David took the time to say. He expressed his need for God's salvation, his desire for justice for his enemies and, lastly, but probably most importantly, his awareness of his own condition. David says,"I am poor and needy." This short phrase speaks volumes about David's awareness of his condition. There is no hint of pride or self-sufficiency. You see no arrogance in this statement. Instead, it reveals a man who is painfully aware of his status and unashamed to admit it to God. He is the king of Israel, the commander of a great army, living in a beautiful palace surrounded by rich treasures. But inwardly, David knows he is needy, destitute, and unable to meet his real needs. He cannot save himself. He needs God. The key for any of us seeing God work in our lives is coming to the realization that we need Him. And before that can happen, we have to come to the same place David did – where we are ready to acknowledge our need. But that is harder than it sounds for most of us. We tend to want to solve our problems and meet our own needs. We want to rescue ourselves and then pat ourselves on the back for a job well done. It is hard to help someone who refuses to see their need for help. But David had reached the point where he was no longer going to let pride stand in his way. He knew that God was his helper and savior. He knew that there was nothing he could do to solve his problem. He needed God. So he called to Him. And David knew from experience that those who call on God are seldom, if ever, disappointed. "But may all who search for you be filled with joy and gladness in you. May those who love your salvation repeatedly shout, 'God is great!'" (Psalm 70:4 NLT).
Father, it seems the longer I live the more I recognize my true neediness. I guess it is that I am slowly learning the valuable lesson that I cannot save myself. I am not smart enough or powerful enough to rescue myself from the troubles of life. I need You. Thanks for the daily reminders of my own neediness. Help me to keep turning to You for help. Amen
Ken Miller Grow Pastor & Minister to Men