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Waiting On God. (Based on Psalm 27)

Psalm 27-28 – Day 2

Waiting On God. (Based on Psalm 27)

God is the light of my life, Illuminating my path and making me successful in all I do.

He is my source of salvation, delivering me in times of need.

He is the one I turn to for refuge and protection.

So why in the world would I be afraid of anyone or anything?

Anytime anyone has tried to hurt or harm me, even my enemies,

They have always failed in their mission.

Even if I should ever find myself facing insurmountable odds,

I will have no reason to be fearful.

Even if they decide to attack me, I will keep trusting in God.

I have one simple request from God, one desire:

That He would allow me to enjoy the peace of His presence my whole life.

So that I could be with Him and experience His marvelous grace.

When the bad times come, God will provide me with a place to hide.

I will find refuge and shelter with Him.

As long as I'm with Him, I'm out of reach of my enemies.

I can look down on them with confidence and peace.

So when I am with Him I want to thank Him,

I want to sing His praises and offer my gratitude in appropriate ways.

Please hear me when I call out to You, Lord.

Show me Your mercy by answering my requests.

You've invited me to come into Your presence,

So that's exactly what I am doing.

It would kill me if You ever hid from me,

Or turned away from me in anger.

You've always been there for me.

I am counting on You to never leave me or forsake me,

Because You are my only source of salvation.

Should my own father and mother abandon me,

You would be there to take me in. Dangers are out there,

So I depend on You to point my life in the right direction, Lord,

To lead me down the right path.

Don't allow those who wish me harm to succeed.

If I didn't believe You would help me,

I would have given up a long time ago.

The best advice I can give anyone is to wait on God.

Eagerly expect Him to act.

It will strengthen your faith and encourage your heart,

As You learn to excitedly anticipate great things from God.

Without God's Help, All Is Hopeless. (Based on Psalm 28)

I cry out to You, Lord, because You're my rock,

And I depend on You to answer me.

If you don't, I am no better off than the worst sinner,

I am helpless and doomed to failure.

So I ask You to hear me when I call for help,

Respond when I cry out to You and lift up my hands in need.

I know that without You my fate is the same as everyone else.

I'll be no different than those who are Your enemies,

Or who live to do bad things.

Give them exactly what they deserve, Lord.

They don't honor You or acknowledge Your activity in the world.

But I will kneel before You, Lord,

Because You have heard my prayers.

You are who I turn to for strength and protection.

When I put my confidence in You, I am never disappointed.

That's why I have joy in my heart And a song of praise on my lips.

You alone have the power to save and rescue Your people.

So I ask You to do just that.

Save us, bless us, feed us, and carry us in Your arms forever.