Waiting On God.
Psalm 27-28 – Day 1
“Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD." – Psalm 27:14 NLT
Prayer and patience. Two things that don't come easily to most of us. We may pray regularly, but we probably wait for God's answers impatiently. We don't like to wait. We have a hard time understanding God's delays, especially when we've already told Him what we want Him to do. What could He be waiting for? Why doesn't He just go ahead and give us our request – just like we shared it? But David had a confidence in God that was based on his understanding of the character of God. In the midst of difficulty, David could experience rest and a lack of fear, because he knew that God would save and protect him. If he found himself surrounded by the enemy and even under attach, he would not fear, but remain confident – because he could trust God. Waiting on God's answer had become second nature to David. The circumstances that surrounded David were only important to David in that they provided him with an opportunity to trust God and spend time in communion with Him. They gave him the chance to talk to God personally and intimately. While he waited for his answer, he just continued to spend time with God. "Hear me as I pray, O Lord. Be merciful and answer me! My heart has heard you say, 'Come and talk with me.' And my heart responds, 'Lord, I am coming.'" (Psalm 27:7-8 NLT).
David wanted more from God than just rescue. He wanted a relationship. He desired to have God teach him, not just bail him out of trouble. He wanted God to lead him, not just provide him with a trouble-free life. David seemed to understand that the trials of life were there to help him turn to and trust in God. They were opportunities for him to see God work. So he prayed to God. He put his confidence in God. He looked to God as his source of strength and protection. He knew God would provide him with salvation as well as direction. So he was willing to wait patiently on Him. And he could encourage others to do the same. "Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord" (Psalm 27:14 NLT). God is faithful. Like a shepherd who lovingly holds his sheep in his protective arms, God carries and cares for us. He is our source of strength, safety, security, and salvation from anything and anyone that comes against us. So why should we be afraid? Why should we become impatient?
Father, what a great reminder of who You are. My fear and impatience are nothing more than a reflection of my own doubt and ignorance of who You really are. I see my troubles as greater than You are. I see my circumstances as too much for You to handle. When I fear and doubt, I am casting aspersions on Your love and faithfulness. I am saying You either won't or can't save me in my time of need. But You are always faithful and loving. Help me to wait patiently and confidently in You. Help me to be brave and courageous because of the reality of who You are. Amen