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A Life of Integrity. (Based on Psalm 26)

Psalm 26 – Day 2

You be the judge of my life, Lord,

For I have tried to live it right out in front of You – honestly and openly.

I put my confidence in You, so I am not worried.

Take a good, close look at me, Lord,

Test me, prove me, refine me like gold,

To see if there is anything impure in my heart.

I have a constant awareness of Your faithful love,

And I have tried to live my life according to Your Word.

I don't make a habit of hanging out with people of worthless character,

I don't associate with those who attempt to hide their lives from You.

I hate being in the company of those who love evil.

I've got clean hands and a pure heart,

So I can come into Your presence with confidence,

Expressing my thanks to You and telling others of all You've done in my life.

I love being with You, surrounded by Your glory.

Don't include me in the ranks of unrepentant sinners,

Don't punish me like those who live to do evil.

Everything they do, their whole purpose in life is evil,

Even the things that appear good are done for the wrong reasons.

But that's not me. I try to live my life with integrity,

Uncompartmentalized and wholly dedicated to You.

But ultimately, You must ransom and set me free,

You have to be willing to show me mercy,

So that I can find myself standing confidently in Your presence,

Offering praise to You for what You have done.