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I Look to the Lord. (Based on Psalm 25)

Psalm 25 – Day 2

I open up my life to you, O Lord,

Because I trust in you as my God.

Don't let me be disappointed,

So that my enemies might have reason to celebrate.

But then I remember that no one who looks eagerly to you is ever disappointed,

Because disappointment and shame are for those live without faith.

Lord, help me discern the right direction for my life;

Show me the road you want me to follow.

Point me in the right direction using Your Word,

And if necessary, discipline me so that I learn well,

For You are the sole source of my salvation.

That's why I eagerly look to You each and every day!

I ask you to remember Your tender mercy and faithful love,

Which have been around as long as You have.

But I ask You to forget all the sins I have ever committed,

Including the sins of my youth and all my blatant acts of rebellion.

Let Your memory of me be based on Your faithful love,

And for the sake of Your own goodness, not mine.

My God is good and always does the right thing.

He lovingly points out the right path to those who've lost their way through sin.

He's the one who helps people do what's right,

Like bear injuries rather than return them.

He trains them to live according to His way, not the world's.

To those who defend His covenant and His Word,

The ways of the Lord reflect His unfailing love and faithfulness.

I ask you, O Lord, to forgive my extreme depravity,

Not because I deserve it, but for the sake of Your own reputation.

Who is the man that truly fears God?

It is the man for whom God has pointed out the right path to take.

This is the man who will experience a pleasant life,

Impacting the generations to come after them.

This man receives counsel directly from God,

He lets them experience His covenant first-hand.

That's why I keep my eyes focused on the Lord,

Because He delivers me out of the traps of life.

Turn to me and show me Your grace and favor, Lord,

For I am the only one and am in great need.

The stress I feel in my heart is great,

So I ask You to rescue me from them all! I ask You to see all my troubles and trials,

And to take away all my sins. Look and see all my enemies,

And how they hate me with a violent hatred.

Guard me, O Lord, snatch me away from them!

Don't let me be put to shame, because I run to You for protection.

May the integrity and uprightness of who You are watch over me,

For I look to You with eager hope and expectation.

O God, pay the price to set Your people free from all their troubles.