The Power of the Word of God.
Psalm 19 – Day 1
“May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer." – Psalm 19:14 NLT
The power and glory of God is clearly evident in His creation. His greatness is mirrored in the vastness of the universe, the inexhaustible energy of the sun, and the countless stars in the sky. But when it comes to revealing Himself to man, God didn't stop there. David knew God through His Word. He discovered the greatness of God revealed in the Law of God. He had learned that God's Law revives the soul, gives the naive much-needed wisdom, brings joy to the heart, helps men see life more clearly, and on top of all that it warns and rewards. David found the words of God more desirable than gold and more appetizing than his favorite sweet. And as king of Israel, David had access to wealth and great food, so he knew what it meant to attempt to have his desires satisfied through materialism and hedonism. Money doesn't last, a great meal only leaves you hungry and desiring more. Nothing satisfies like the word of God.
One of the things David learned about God's word is its ability to see into his heart and reveal what's hidden there. It has the unique capacity, like an x-ray, to look into our soul and reveal sins – even those committed unknowingly or unintentionally – that we can't even see ourselves. But God's word not only reveals them, it can cleanse us from them. And it can protect us from committing sins out of presumption or sheer arrogance. David knew that his righteousness was dependent on God's faithful, reliable, pure, trustworthy, totally correct, completely sound word. It was only through time spent reading and meditation on God's word that David's life could live a life that was pleasing to God. It is the word of God and the indwelling presence of the Spirit of God that transforms our speech, our thoughts and our actions.
Father, Your Word is invaluable and irreplaceable. There is nothing else like it in the universe that can transform my life and bring joy, peace, wisdom, direction and satisfaction. Continue to increase my love for it, obedience to it, and dependence upon it. Let me love it like David did. Use Your Word to see into my heart and reveal what I can't see. Transform me by it. Equip me with it. Convict me through it. And never let me walk away from it. Amen