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The Ultimate Objective.

Psalm 17 – Day 1

“Because I am righteous, I will see you. When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied." – Psalm 17:15 NLT

David is under extreme pressure. He is being hounded by King Saul, hunted down like a common criminal with a bounty on his head. Saul has hired 3,000 armed mercenaries to find David and kill him. So David finds himself hiding in the wilderness, running for his life. Talk about stress. Talk about anxiety. So David calls out to God. He pleads for God to act as his judge and find him innocent on any charges brought against him. He asks God to declare him innocent because he knows that he has done nothing to deserve this treatment from Saul. In verse three he reminds God that He has already tested him before. David uses terminology that indicates that his life has been anything but easy. He says "You have tested my thoughts." That word "tested" is a word used of refining metal. God has already put David in the furnace and proved the purity of his heart. He says that God has already "examined his heart" in the night. The reference to night is a poetic term that can also mean time of calamity. In other words, David is saying that God has had the chance to observe David during the difficult days of his life. He has had plenty of opportunity to find fault in David. But David says that God has "scrutinized me" and found nothing wrong. Again, David uses terminology related to working with metal. He says that God has used trials to put him through the fire in order to purge any impurities from him. And as a result, David is innocent and sinless in regards to his relationship with Saul.

David appeals to God's mercy, grace, righteousness and love. He asks God to guard him, hide him and protect him. He begs God to come between he and his enemies, to bring them to their knees. In verse 14, David describes his enemies as wicked. Then in verse 15, he elaborates on just what these people are like. He says, "they look to this world for their reward." They are worldly, not godly. The are in love with this world and all that in can offer them. They don't see a future or believe in an afterlife or eternity, so they live as if this life is all there is. David looks around and sees these people enjoying prosperity, getting all that they desire, having lots of kids and leaving all their wealth to them. But at the end of the day, David puts his hope in what happens after life. He knows there is an eternity for all men. That the righteous God of the universe will one day judge all men and hold them accountable for their actions during this life. David rests content that God will declare him righteous and allow him to come into His presence. That is what brings David contentment even in the face of adversity. He knows that his ultimate satisfaction will come when He stands before God in heaven. This world is passing. This life is not all there is. The injustices and inequities of this life will one day be made right by God. That doesn't stop David from crying out to God for His help and deliverance here and now. But David knows that he can't judge the faithfulness and love of God solely based on how things go in this life. God is not done. As judge of the world, His final ruling has not been made yet. But David knows that even his enemies catch him and kill him, he will stand before the Lord and find complete satisfaction for all life's trials, injustices and inequities.

Father, don't let me lose sight of eternity. Don't let the trials of this life rob me of the reality of eternal life. This is not all there is. There is more. When faces with difficulties, help me see it as You refining me, purifying me and removing from me the sin that still resides within me. You are constantly testing me, putting me through the heat of life, exposing and removing the impurities of my sin nature. Thank You for loving me enough to purify me. You are constantly making me more like Your Son. Amen