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Our Great God! (Based on Psalm 8)

Psalm 8 – Day 2

You are Jehovah, OUR Master!

And Your greatness is visible everywhere –

Whether I look out the window or up into the night sky.

Even the cries of a baby and the babblings of a child speak of Your power,

Leaving those who oppose You speechless and powerless before You.

When I stare up into space I see just a portion of all You have made,

Only that which is visible to the naked eye.

And I can't help but ask the question:

Why would a God so great waste His time thinking about men,

Or even take a second to consider them at all?

But then it hits me – when You created Adam and Eve You created them in Your own image

And surrounded them with the abundance and splendor of Your creation.

Then You put them in charge of it all!

Every sheep and cow, domestic or wild,

Birds of all kinds and even the fish that swim in the lakes and oceans.

You are Jehovah, OUR Master! And Your greatness is visible everywhere!