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He Knows My Path.

Psalms 140-142

When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, You knew my path. ­– Psalm 142:3a NASB

Even when my strength leaves me, you know my footsteps. That is how the NET Bible translates verse 3 of Psalm 142. When David was weak, feeling overwhelmed, and struggling with despair, he still knew that God was fully aware of his circumstances and was watching over him. Yet even though David knew God was aware of what was going on, it didn't stop him from crying out and pouring out his heart. He told God exactly how he was feeling. No mincing words. No pulling punches. David wrote honestly, freely, and expectantly. He knew God was listening and that God would respond.

David may not have had anybody on his side, but he knew he had God as a resource and a refuge. We need to learn with David that while others may disappoint us or even abandon us, God never will. He is faithful all the time and is there when we call on Him. We will never tell Him anything He doesn't already know, but He still wants to hear from us. Our cries to God express our dependency like nothing else. They acknowledge our need for Him and trust in Him.

Father, I don't cry to You enough. Maybe it's because I don't sense You watching and listening. Maybe I doubt that You will really answer. But I want to be like David, completely honest and open with You about my feelings and my frustrations. Not to complain, but because I believe You are listening and that You will respond. May my prayer life be an expression of my faith life. Amen