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Growing In Knowledge.

Colossians 2

I want them to have full confidence because they have complete understanding of God’s secret plan, which is Christ himself. - Vs 2

Knowing Christ is more than just a saving knowledge. It is more than just a belief that gets us forgiveness of sins and entrance into the Father's kingdom. Knowing Christ offers us so much more. Here, Paul says that it can bring us a sense of confidence. It is "the full wealth of the certain knowledge of the secret of God, even Christ" (BBE). That "full wealth" includes "all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge" (Vs 3). We are to aspire to a "complete understanding" of God's secret plan – Jesus Christ Himself. We are not to settle for a partial understanding, a mere passing acquaintance. We are to grow in our knowledge of Christ.

Paul supports this when he refers to the Colossians as being "firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith" (Vs 7). They were firmly rooted. That word means "to strengthen with roots, to render firm, to fix, establish, cause a person or a thing to be thoroughly grounded." They had a good foundation. But they didn't stop there. They were being built up in Him. This is a construction term. It means they were building on the foundation which had been laid. They had sunk roots and were now growing and prospering in their knowledge of Christ. Finally, Paul says they were being established in their faith. They were gaining stability in their faith. The word translated "established" means "to make firm, establish, confirm, make sure."

Knowing Christ is not a one-time event, but a lifelong process. We are to grow in our knowledge of Him. We are to grow in our intimacy with Him. We are to grow in our dependence on Him. We are to grow in our commitment to Him. Why? Paul tells us in a few short, but very important phrases:

in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form (Vs 9)

in Him you have been made complete (Vs 10)

in Him you were also circumcised with a circumcision without hands (Vs 11)

…you have been buried with Him in baptism (Vs 12)

…you were also raised with Him through faith (Vs 12)

…He made you alive together with Him having forgiven us all our transgressions (Vs 13)

These are just a few of the things we are to know about Christ. He is our Savior, but do we know just how much He has done for us. He is the God of the universe, yet He took on human flesh just so He could pay a debt I could not pay. He took that debt and nailed it to the cross (Vs 14). He has forgiven all my sins – past, present, and future. He has removed the body of flesh from me so that I don't have to obey it anymore. He has done so much for me. And there is more that I still don't know yet, but He is waiting to reveal to me. Do you know Him? Are your firmly rooted in Him? Are you being built up in Him? And are you being established in your faith because of Him?

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him. (Vs 6).

Father, thank You for Your Son. Help me to grow in my knowledge of Him. That my roots may grow deeper, and I might be built up and established in my faith because I am increasing in my knowledge of and intimacy with Him.  Amen